Rehab expert spells out common things that derail therapy.
The best-laid rehab plans will go to waste if residents don't participate.
And SNF therapists commonly identify seven activities that interfere with rehab therapy sessions, observes Garry Woessner, MA, MBA, CAS, regional director of rehabilitation for Benedictine Health Systems in Duluth, MN.
Lose-lose proposition: When residents don't go to rehab, they don't achieve their therapy goals -- and the facility doesn't achieve the expected therapy minutes for RUG placement, Woessner says.
The solution: The interdisciplinary team can schedule therapy around these events, he suggests:
1. Beauty. "It's very frustrating when a therapist looks for the patient and finds the person getting her hair done."
2. Bingo. "Seniors love their bingo and hate to miss out on the prizes," Woessner says.
3. Bible. The resident may have a prayer group or religious service scheduled at the same time as rehab.
4. Bath. Nursing has the person in the shower or tub when he's supposed to be headed to rehab.
5. Bowel. The person's scheduled toileting plan coincides with his therapy session.
6. Birthday parties. "Cake and ice cream -- who can resist?"
7. Brunch. Many facilities have moved to a choice of five meals a day, Woessner notes. "And brunch often gets in the way of therapy."