Reviewing the basics can avoid mistakes.
Check J1c when the resident has two or more of the following indicators within the seven-day lookback:
1. Resident usually takes in less than the recommended 1500 ml of fluids daily (water or liquids in beverages, and water in high-fluid-content foods such as gelatin and soups).
Note: The recommended intake level has been changed from 2500 ml to 1500 ml to reflect current practice standards.
2. Resident has one or more clinical signs of dehydration, including but not limited to dry mucous membranes, poor skin turgor, cracked lips, thirst, sunken eyes, dark urine, new onset or increased confusion, fever, abnormal laboratory values (e.g., elevated hemoglobin and hematocrit, potassium chloride, sodium albumin, blood urea nitrogen, or urine specific gravity).
3. Resident's fluid loss exceeds the amount of fluids he or she takes in (e.g., loss from vomiting, fever, diarrhea that exceeds fluid replacement).