For A1800 (Entered From): "Code 07, hospice: if the resident was admitted from a program for terminally ill persons where an array of services is necessary for the palliation and management of terminal illness and related conditions," states the RAI User's Manual. The hospice must be licensed by the State as a hospice provider and/or certified under the Medicare program as a hospice provider. Includes community-based or inpatient hospice programs."
"Coding Tips and Special Populations
If an individual was enrolled in a home-based hospice program enter 07, Hospice, instead of 01, Community." For A2100 (Discharge Status): "Code 07, hospice: if discharge location is a program for terminally ill persons where an array of services is necessary for the palliation and management of terminal illness and related conditions. The hospice must be licensed by the State as a hospice provider and/or certified under the Medicare program as a hospice provider. Includes community-based (e.g., home) or inpatient hospice programs."