Nursing homes are taking to DAVE 2 better than they did to its predecessor. That's the word on the new MDS watchdog initiative from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' officials at the most recent SNF/Long-Term Care Open Door Forum (ODF). "Response has been positive," relayed CMS' Judy Tobin.
The agency's goal: Get a handle on how savvy SNF staffers are in resident assessment using the MDS--and how that relates to payment and care. As of the ODF, nurse reviewers were busy auditing nursing facilities in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Ohio and California.
Facilities will be selected randomly for DAVE 2 visits but can expect notification of the review two weeks before it occurs. Once onsite, nurse reviewers will target 12 MDS assessments and related medical record documentation, according to a DAVE 2 fact sheet.
The reviewers will share their findings and any "common themes" with the facility's administrator. If the review uncovers "significant MDS discrepancies," the facility will be referred to its regional RAI coordinator for further education and training on MDS coding.
For more information on the DAVE 2 program, go to
CMS has released an electronic version of residents' Medicare rights and protections. The document includes information for beneficiaries and advocates to file a complaint, appeal a decision related to claims for benefits, and find answers to questions.
Access the publication by going to: People can get access to answers to their questions 24/7 at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) or TTY-1-877-486-2048.