Facilities should check their MDSs to see if they are coding correctly, says official.
If you're wondering whether a resident coded as being on isolation on the MDS 3.0 has to remain in his room, the answer is yes, according to information provided at the March 17 SNF/LTC Open Door Forum.
Facilities should "code only for isolation when a resident has a condition that is so serious that the resident is unable to leave his/her room and come in contact with any other resident," clarified a CMS staffer during the forum.
The agency's Sheila Lambowitz further suggested that facilities look at their MDSs to ensure that they are coding isolation appropriately.
Editor's note: For more information on this coding issue, see the lead story in MDS Alert, Vol. 8, No. 4, which is available in the Online Subscription System. If you haven't set signed up for this free service,call 1-800-508-2582.