"Steps for Assessment
1. Ask the resident: "Have you had pain or hurting at any time in the last 5 days?"
Coding Instructions for J0300, Pain Presence
Code for the presence or absence of pain regardless of pain management efforts during the 5-day lookback period.
Code 0, no: if the resident responds "no" to any pain in the 5-day look-back period. Code 0, no: even if the reason for no pain is that the resident received pain management interventions. If coded 0, the pain interview is complete. Skip to Shortness of Breath item (J1100).
Code 1, yes: if the resident responds "yes" to pain at any time during the look-back period. If coded 1, proceed to items J0400, J0500, J0600 AND J0700.
Code 9, unable to answer: if the resident is unable to answer, does not respond, or gives a nonsensical response. If coded 9, skip to the Staff Assessment for Pain beginning with Indicators of Pain or Possible Pain item (J0800)." (Source: Printed verbatim from the RAI User's Manual, page J-8.)