MDS Alert

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Make The Most Of Your TCI MDS Alert Subscription

You have more than a decade's worth of information on all kinds of MDS and SNF information at your fingertips, including articles on MDS item focus, quizzes, suggestions for boosting team morale, tips for documentation, explanations and tips about compliance and reimbursement, and so much more. Your subscription to MDS Alert includes full access to back issues dating back to 2003. You can read entire issues via PDFs or search for specific articles by topic and/or date. Here are the steps to use this valuable resource:

1. Go to

2. Log in (if you don't have your login and password, call customer service at 1-866-228-9252 and they'll set you up).

3. Scroll through the issues - they are in reverse chronological order (newest first). Click on the arrow to open a drop down menu of the headlines from each issue.

4. You can click on each year at the top or bottom of the page for that year's listing.

5. If you're interested in a particular topic, you can use the search box at the top to find information or articles through keywords. You can narrow the search by date, issue, source name, etc.