The Nutritional Status Care Area Assessment Resource spells out the following things to consider.
Review of Indicators of Nutritional Status
Current eating pattern -- resident leaves significant proportion of meals, snacks, and supplements daily for even a few days
• Food offered or available is not consistent with the resident's food choices/needs
- Food preferences not consistently honored
- Resident has allergies or food intolerance (for example, needs lactose-free)
- Food not congruent with religious or cultural needs
- Resident complains about food quality (for example, not like what spouse used to prepare, food lacks flavor)
- Resident doesn't eat processed foods
- Food doesn't meet other special diet requirements
• Pattern re: food left uneaten (for example, usually leaves the meat or vegetables)
• Intervals between meals may be too long or too short
• Unwilling to accept food supplements or to eat more than three meals per day
Source: One section of the CAA-specific resource in Appendix C of the RAI User's Manual for the MDS 3.0, page C-50.