How would you code these two examples in G4 (column A)?
Example 1: Mr. O was admitted to the nursing facility for rehab following right knee surgery. His right leg is in an immobilizer. With exception of his right leg, Mr. O has full ROM in all other areas.
Example 2: Mrs. X is a diabetic who sustained a CVA two months ago. She can only turn her head slightly from side to side and tip her head toward each shoulder (limited neck range of motion). She can perform all arm, hand and leg motions on the right side, with smooth coordinated movements. She is unable to move her left side (limited arm, hand, and leg motion) as she has a flaccid left hemiparesis. She is able to extend her legs flat on the bed. She has no feet. She has no other limitations.
Example 1:
G4A: Limitation in Range of Motion
a. Neck 0
b. Arm 0
c. Hand 0
d. Leg 1
e. Foot 0
f. Other 0
Example 2:
a. Neck 2
b. Arm 1
c. Hand 1
d. Leg 1
e. Foot 2
f. Other 0
Coding Key: 0 = No limitation. 1 = Limitation on one side of the body (either right or left side) that interferes with daily functioning or places resident at risk of injury. 2 = Limitation on both sides of the body that interferes with daily functioning or places resident at risk of injury.
Note: The lookback period for coding Section G4 is seven days.
Source: RAI user's manual, chapter 3, pages 107-111.