How would you code self-performance and support provided for transfer in these two scenarios?
1. Staff must supervise the resident as she transfers from her bed to wheelchair. Staff brings the chair next to the bed and then reminds her to hold on to the chair and position her body slowly.
2. Mr. T is in a physically debilitated state due to surgery. Two staff members must physically lift and transfer him to a reclining chair for the entire seven-day lookback. Mr. T. is unable to assist or participate in any way.
ANSWERS:1. Self Performance = 1; Support Provided = 1
Coding rationale: Resident requires staff supervision, cueing and reminders for safe transfer.
2. Self Performance = 4; Support Provided =3
Coding rationale: Resident did not participate and required two staff members to transfer him out of his bed.
Source: Adopted from the RAI manual.