Coding Quizzer:
Infuse Flu Shot Coding With New RAI Manual Instructions For Section W
Published on Thu Sep 22, 2005
Don't miss capturing a flu vaccination.
How would you code the following examples in item W2a, which asks whether the resident received the flu vaccine in the nursing facility for this year's influenza season?
Example No. 1: Mrs. J. received the influenza vaccine in January 2005. The ARD of this assessment is October 2005. The facility has not yet administered the influenza vaccine for the current flu season.
Example No. 2: Mr. C received the influenza vaccine in October 2005. The ARD of this assessment is December 2005.
Answer (Example No. 1): Code W2a "0" for No.
Answer (Example No. 2): Include the October 2005 vaccination on this assessment and code W2a "1" for Yes.
Rationale: Facilities must complete Section W2 for all residents on all assessment types (OBRA and/or PPS) with assessment reference dates--and all discharge tracking forms with discharge dates--from October 1 through June 30, states the August 2005 RAI manual update. The manual notes that while the annual flu season is currently defined as being from Oct. 1 through March 31, assessments with an ARD or discharges through June 30 are included in order to capture records of flu vaccinations given during the flu season. (For more information, go to