Calculation for Average Daily Fluid Intake
Mrs. G. received 1 liter of IV fluids during the 7-day assessment period. She received no other intake via IV or tube feeding during the assessment period.
Coding Instructions
Code for the average number of cc's of fluid the resident received per day by IV or tube feeding. Record what was actually received by the resident, not what was ordered.
1. Code 1: 500 cc/day or less
2. Code 2: 501 cc/day or more
The correct answer is a code of "1" for 500 cc/day or less
"Rationale: The total fluid intake by supplemental tube feedings = 1000 cc
1000 cc divided by 7 days = 142.9 cc/day
142.9 cc is less than 500 cc, therefore code 1, 500 cc/day or less is correct," states the manual.