Put your know-how to the test.
Indicate "yes or no" whether each of the following situations constitutes task segmentation, according to the RAI user's manual.
1. When the nurse assistant hands the resident a sock and says, "Put this sock on this foot" and upon completion of the step hands the resident another sock and says, "Put this sock on this foot," the resident dons his socks.
2. When single food items and only one utensil are presented to the resident in succession, the resident eats independently.
3. When a nurse assistant gives verbal directions for each step in transferring from a wheelchair (e.g., "Lock the brakes ... Hold onto the arms of the chair and push yourself up... Hold onto your walker with both hands like this [demonstrates]"), the resident succeeds in transferring himself from a seated to a standing position.
4. When a washbasin, a face cloth, a towel, and various grooming supplies are placed before the resident, the resident becomes overwhelmed.
5. When a nurse assistant places the resident's clothes for the day on the bed and says, "Get dressed," the resident becomes confused and is unable to dress herself.
Answer: The answer is "yes" for items 1, 2 and 3, because the situations, as described, involve task segmentation. Items 4 and 5 should be answered "no," the residents did not receive task segmentation.