How would you code E1a through p for the following resident?
Mr. F is a new admission who becomes upset and angry when his daughter visits (three times a week). He complains to her and staff caregivers that "she put me in this terrible dump." He chastises her "for not taking him into her home," and berates her "for being an ungrateful daughter." After she leaves, Mr. F becomes remorseful, sad-looking, tearful and says, "What is the use? I'm no good. I wish I died when my wife did."
Coding Key:
E1a Negative statements
E1b Repetitive questions
E1c Repetitive verbalizations
E1d Persistent anger with self or others
E1e Self-deprecation
E1f Expressions of what appear to be unrealistic fears
E1g Recurrent statements that something terrible is going to happen
E1h Repetitive health complaints
E1i Repetitive anxious complaints/concerns (non-health related)
E1j Unpleasant mood in the morning
E1k Insomnia/changes in usual sleep pattern
E1l Sad, pained, worried facial expression
E1m Crying, tearfulness
E1n Repetitive physical movements
E1o Withdrawal from activities of interest
E1p Reduced social interaction
Directions: Code "0" if the indicator wasn't displayed in the last 30 days; code "1" if the resident displayed the indicator in the last 30 days (up to five days/week, i.e., at least once during the last 30 days but less than six days/week). Code "2" if the resident displayed the indicator daily or almost daily (6, 7 days a week).
Answer: Code 1 (indicator of this type exhibited up to five days a week) for the following four items (and "0" for all other mood items):
E1a. Resident made negative statements
E1d. Persistent anger with self or others
E1e. Self-depreciation
E1m. Crying, tearfulness