Check your coding results against the answers in the RAI manual.
J1700A,B,C: Fall History on Admission/Entry or Reentry
RAI Scenario No. 1: Falls caused by slipping meet the definition of falls. J1700Awould be coded 1, yes.
RAI Scenario No. 2: If the individual is found on the floor, a fall is assumed to have occurred. J1700B would be coded 1, yes.
RAI Scenario No. 3: Medical records from an outside facility document that Mr. M. was found on a mat on the floor. This is defined as a fall. J1700Awould be coded 1, yes.
RAI Scenario No. 4: Miss K. had a fall related fracture 1-6 months prior to nursing home entry. Both J1700B and J1700C would be coded 1, yes.
RAI Scenario No. 5: The fractures were not related to a fall. J1700C would be coded 0, no.
RAI Scenario No. 6: Ms. P. had a fall-related fracture less than 1 month prior to entry. Both J1700Aand J1700C would be coded 1, yes.
J1800: Any Falls Since Admission/Entry or Reentry or Prior Assessment (OBRAor Scheduled PPS), whichever is more recent
RAI Scenario No. 1: An intercepted fall is considered a fall. J1800 would be coded 1, yes.
J1900A,B,C: Number of Falls Since Admission/Entry or Reentry or Prior Assessment (OBRAor Scheduled PPS), whichever is more recent
RAI Scenario No. 1: Slipping to the floor is a fall. No injury was noted. J1900Awould be coded 1, one.
RAI Scenario No. 2: Falls during the nursing home stay, even if on outings, are captured here. J1900Awould be coded 1, one.
RAI Scenario No. 3: Lacerations and swelling without fracture are classified as injury (except major). J1900B would be coded 1, one.
RAI Scenario No. 4: Subdural hematoma is a major injury. The injury occurred as a result of a fall. J1900C would be coded 1, one.
Source: The Long-Term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instruments User's Manual MDS 3.0, V1.08 (April 2012), pgs. J26-J33)