Here's what CMS says to do.
The RAI User's Manual provides the following instructions for O0100M, isolation or quarantine for active infectious disease (does not include standard body/fluid precautions):
"Code only when the resident requires strict isolation or quarantine alone in a separate room because of active infection (i.e., symptomatic and/or have a positive test and are in the contagious stage) with a communicable disease, in an attempt to prevent spread of illness. Do not code this item if the resident only has a history of infectious disease (e.g., MRSA or C-Diff with no active symptoms), but facility policy requires cohorting of similar infectious disease conditions. Do not code this item if the 'isolation' primarily consists of body/fluid precautions, because these types of precautions apply to everyone.
"Additional information related to types of precautions: Transmission-Based Precautions must be considered regarding the type and clinical presentation related to the specific communicable disease. The three types of transmission-based precautions are contact, droplet, and airborne. More information related to the types of transmission-based precautions can be found in the 2007 Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings"