Knowing how the QM works helps you put it to work for your quality improvement efforts.
8.1 Residents who have moderate to severe pain
Source: QM CPAI0X
Numerator: Residents with moderate pain at least daily (J2a = 2 AND J2b= 2) OR horrible/excruciating pain at any frequency (J2b = 3) on the target assessment.
Denominator: All residents with a valid target assessment.
Exclusions: Residents satisfying any of the following conditions:
1. The target assessment is an admission (AA8a = 01) assessment.
2. Either J2a or J2b is missing on the target assessment.
3. The values of J2a and J2b are inconsistent on the target assessment. J2a and J2b are inconsistent if either (a) J2a = 0 and J2b is not blank, or (b) J2a > 0 and J2b = blank.
1. Indicator of independence or modified independence in daily decision making on the prior assessment:
Covariate = 1 if B4 = 0 or 1. Covariate = 0 if B4 = 2 or 3.