Knowing the definitions cold can keep your facility out of hot water.
Code the following in Section G1A based on these RAI manual definitions:
0. Independent - No help or staff oversight -OR- Staff help/oversight provided only one or two times during the last seven days.
1. Supervision - Oversight, encouragement or cueing provided three or more times during last seven days -OR- Supervision (3 or more times) plus physical assistance provided, but only one or two times during last seven days.
2. Limited Assistance - Resident highly involved in activity, received physical help in guided maneuvering of limbs or other non weight-bearing assistance on three or more occasions -OR- limited assistance (3 or more times), plus more weight-bearing support provided, but for only one or two times during the last 7 days.
3. Extensive Assistance - While the resident performed part of activity over last seven days, help of following type(s) was provided three or more times:
- Weight-bearing support provided three or more times;
- Full staff performance of activity (3 or more times) during part (but not all) of last seven days.
4. Total Dependence - Full staff performance of the activity during entire seven-day period. There is complete non-participation by the resident in all aspects of the ADL definition task. If staff performed an activity for the resident during the entire observation period, but the resident performed part of the activity himself/herself, it would not be coded as a "4" (Total Dependence).