Answer 1: You would code this scenario in item H0200A as 0 — No and skip to H0300 — Urinary Continence. Based on Mrs. Smith’s voiding assessment/diary, there was no pattern to her incontinence. Due to her total incontinence, a toileting program isn’t appropriate for this resident.
Answer 2: You would code item H0200B as 9 — Unable to determine or trial in progress, because the toileting program is still in progress. You would code item H0200C as 1 — Yes, because the IDT has developed, implemented and communicated to Mr. Jones and the staff an individualized toileting plan for the resident.
Answer 3: You would code item H0300 as 0 — Always continent, because even though Mrs. Brown has known intermittent stress incontinence, she was continent during the current seven-day look-back period.
Answer 4: You would code this scenario in item H0300 as 3 — Always incontinent, because Mr. Fletcher had no urinary continent episodes and cannot be toileted due to severe disability or discomfort. Instead, staff manage his incontinence using a check-and-change protocol.
Answer 5: You would code H0300 as 2 — Frequently incontinent, because Mrs. Morgan had at least one continent void during the look-back period. Remember that the reason for the continence (the fact that the nursing assistant helped the resident) doesn’t factor into the coding decision here.
Answer 6: You would code H0300 again as 2 — Frequently incontinent, because Mr. Graham had seven documented episodes of urinary incontinence over the look-back period. The criterion for “frequent” incontinence is seven or more episodes over the seven-day look-back period with at least one continent void.