Question: Can long-term care residents who are private pay or Medicaid and have Part B receive the new Medicare annual wellness exam? If so, what are the requirements in terms of who can provide the wellness visit?
Answer: "The annual wellness exam can be completed on an annual basis for all Medicare Part B participants," says Deb Philips, RN, RAC-CT, director of regulatory affairs for the Polaris Group in Tampa, Fla. "This can be completed in a skilled nursing facility by a nurse practitioner and does not replace the regulatory required visits in a SNF."
According to a CMS MLN Matters article, the following providers can perform the annual wellness visit:
The exam includes screening for cognitive impairment and risk factors for depression, as well as an effort to formulate a recommended preventive screening program for the patient.
"An annual wellness exam focused on prevention and assessing cognition can be very valuable -- if people do it," says Diana Waugh, RN, BSN, a consultant in Waterville, Ohio.
For more information about coverage and billing, see the MLN Matters article at