Long-Term Care Survey Alert


Give Your Restraint-Reduction Efforts A Quick Checkup

Make sure you're covering these essential steps.

Does your facility's process for evaluating the organizational commitment to physical restraint reduction/elimination include the following components? 
1. Have key staff members been identified to form an interdisciplinary restraint reduction/elimination team?  
2. Has your facility implemented a "no-restraint" policy?     

3. Does your process include analyzing current clinical practices such as assessments, restraint alternatives, documentation, and interventions?      

4. Do you provide education for staff, family, and residents on the dangers of physical restraints and implementing less restrictive alternatives?      

5. Do you attempt to assess and treat underlying conditions precipitating the use of physical restraints?     
6. Does your process consider environmental modifications to promote safety and decrease use of restraints?     

7. Does your facility celebrate restraint reduction/elimination success stories, reward caregivers and family member for positive attitudes and assistance in creating a restraint-free environment?     

8. Does your facility support and provide appropriate resources for the reduction/elimination of physical restraints such as adequate staffing, educational opportunities, functional communication systems, tools and assessments, and environmental enhancements?     

9. Does your facility evaluate its own process, review outcome measures, and revise as needed?    

Source: Excerpted from "Facility Assessment Checklist for Restraints," posted on the medqic.org Website. To review the entire checklist, click on "nursing home" at the top of the medqic.org home page. Then click on "physical restraints" on the left of the page. Then click on "tools" in the box on the right labeled "in this section."

Editor's note: To find out one facility's inside secrets to going restraint-fee, read "Education Provides The Best Medicine For Eliminating Restraints," in the September 2006 Long-Term Care Survey Alert. You can access past issues as part of your free Online Subscription Service. If you haven't yet signed up for this value-added benefit, call 1-800-874-9180. You will continue to receive paper copies in addition to your online access to current and past issues.

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