Long-Term Care Survey Alert


Maintain the Fall Scene to Get a Heads Up on What Happened

Find out how this facility gets to the bottom of unwitnessed falls.

If a resident can't tell you why he fell, try to reconstruct what transpired -- and create a care plan to prevent a repeat performance.

That's the tack that one Arkansas facility takes in investigating falls. Staff and housekeeping know not to move anything or change the scenery before the charge nurse or whoever is doing the fall investigation arrives to take a look, advised Terri Hatfield, LPN, in an Advancing Excellence in Nursing Homes-sponsored Webinar.

"You want to look to see if the resident had an incontinent episode when they aren't usually incontinent," said Hatfield. Or "did they spill juice" and slip and fall on that? Did the person not have her glasses on and tripped because she couldn't see?

"One thing we try to figure out is what need the person was trying to  meet when he fell" to see if staff can't meet that need ahead of time, said Hatfield.