There's no one size fits all.
One of your employees doesn't seem as content with her job as she used to. She is neither as upbeat nor as productive as she was. A little public recognition of her job used to motivate her, but now it barely gets a smile.
People's motivations change over time -- what was a goal six months ago may be just a memory today. Supervisors must tailor their motivational feedback to the employee's individual needs, says Gary Topchik, author of The Accidental Manager.
"Today, a team member may be focused on self-worth needs. Tomorrow, she can go out and buy a new house with a big mortgage. Then the need for job security and a higher salary becomes much more important," Topchik notes.
Topchik also says supervisors should individualize their feedback and motivational strategies because employees are motivated by different things. "One team member may be motivated by public recognition, while another might be motivated by the one-to-one feedback that he gets from his manager."
The following strategies are some ways to help you change your motivators to fit with your employees' needs: