In addition to the liability and generic notices you have to give residents related to Medicare payment, you may have a new one to add to the list. A new CMS proposal "would require most Medicare participating providers and suppliers to give Medicare beneficiaries written notice about their right to contact a Medicare Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) with concerns about the quality of care they receive under the Medicare program," the agency says in a release.
"By requiring providers and suppliers to furnish QIO contact information to all beneficiaries, we are protecting beneficiaries' rights to bring their worries about quality of care to a third party for review," CMS Administrator
Donald Berwick says in the release. Read the proposed rule starting on page 5755 at
Looking for new ways to prevent falls? Check out the recently updated American Geriatrics Society and the British Geriatric Society's guidelines. Some of the recommended interventions, according to an AGS press release, include:
Read the full release at