How would you code the following example from the RAI User's Manual?
"Mr. H has had a feeding tube since his surgery. He is currently more alert and feeling much better. He is very motivated to have the tube removed. He has been taking soft solids by mouth, but only in small to medium amounts. For the past 7 days, he has been receiving tube feedings for nutritional supplementation. The dietitian has totaled his calories per day as follows:"
"Coding Instructions
Select the best response:
1. 25% or less
2. 26% to 50%
3. 51% or more."
Source: Printed verbatim from the RAI manual.
"Coding: K0700A would be coded 3, 51% or more. Rationale: Total Oral intake is 2,450 calories. Total Tube intake is 15,000 calories. Total calories is 2,450 + 15,000 = 17,450 Calculation of the percentage of total calories by tube feeding: 15,000/17,450 = .859 X 100 = 85.9% Mr. H received 85.9% of his calories by tube feeding, therefore K0700A code 3, 51% or more is correct."
Source: Printed verbatim from the RAI manual.