Survey strikes on F-315 are likely to land you with monetary penalties, in part because Level 1 of severity is no longer an option for this F-Tag. Make sure your clinical and administrative staff understand what’s at stake:
Severity Level 4 (immediate jeopardy)
Fines: $3,550 to $10,000 per day.
Example: Complications from an unnecessary catheter or extensive failure in multiple areas of urinary incontinence or catheter management.
Severity Level 3 (actual harm)
Fines: Up to $3,000 per day.
Examples: Failure to provide clinically sound catheter care, development of a symptomatic UTI from an unnecessary catheter, failure to assess and manage urine retention, decline of failure to improve continence status, resident embarrassment and humiliation.
Severity Level 2 (no actual harm, but has the potential to cause more than minimum harm)
Example: Use of an indwelling catheter without medical cause, with no complications.
Severity Level 1 (no actual harm was done, but with potential for minimal harm)
This level no longer exists under F315.