Long-Term Care Survey Alert

Survey Management:
Ditch Common Myths Before They Undermine Survey Outcomes
Don't let false beliefs cause your facility grief. Survey-related myths tend to persist u... Read more
Boost Bone Strength, Cognition With This Often Overlooked Approach
The right vitamins, dietary changes can make a big difference. They say an apple a day ca... Read more
Special Focus:
CMS Clarifies Whether Dietary And Nutritional Supplements Count Toward Med Errors
Don't miss this important survey guidance about herbals and vitamins. Does your facility ... Read more
Medical Privacy:
Could This HIPAA Trip-Up Happen In Your Facility?
Here's how to head off the potential for a serious privacy breach. Picture this: A contra... Read more
Medication Management:
Weigh Carefully Whether To Taper Or Discontinue Meds Under F329
If you're only doing this for antipsychotics, you're behind the times. The decision-makin... Read more
Rehabilitation therapy:
Improving Rehab Outcomes And Efficiency As Easy As 1, 2, 3
Get your therapists on this bandwagon for quality improvement. Maximizing the use of reha... Read more
Quality Assurance:
Pills Should Help Residents' Ills -- Not Create Them
Know when it's time to shed a med or change the dose. Asking the right questions can help... Read more
Clip And Save:
Check Out These Natural Food Sources Of Calcium
Dietary intake can offset need for supplementation. Source: Becky Dorner, RD, LD, presiden... Read more
Survey & Clinical News
Are any of your patients taking Fentora (fentanyl buccal) tablets? The U.S. Food and Drug ... Read more
Don't Monkey Around:
Let Us Know What You Need From Long-Term Care Survey Alert
We want your feedback. For almost a decade, many of you have counted on Long-Term Care Su... Read more
Don't Let Your Med Pass Be A Pathway To F Tags
Inject these 4 safety measures into this vital care task.Med pass has become much harder t... Read more
Survey Management Tipster:
Mismanagement Of Narcotics Can Create A Survey Headache
Is your facility consistently performing these 2 quality checks?Adequate oversight of narc... Read more
Acronym For Topical Wound Therapy Spells Out Rx Essentials
Follow this reminder for a best-practice wound-care program."DIWAMOPI" isn't an acronym yo... Read more
Make That Accident Waiting To Happen Go Away
This approach closes common gaps in a facility's safety approach."What wasn't I thinking?"... Read more
To Report Or Not To Report A Resident Injury That Occurred During A Family Outing
Wonder if you're falling short on or overstepping your reporting obligation?A non-verbal r... Read more
Know Where, How To Code A Skin Tear On The MDS
Are you documenting this critical difference?Frail elders can easily suffer a skin tear. I... Read more
SURVEY GUIDANCE--Feed Residents, Not F Tags--Master New F373 (Paid Feeding Assistants) Requirements
Interpretive guidance paves way for improved nutrition, new survey scrutiny.Paid feeding a... Read more
CASE STUDY--Check Out This Facility's Positive Experience With Paid Feeding Assistants
Improve quality of life, tap existing staff as feeding assistants.What might you expect pa... Read more
SURVEY MANAGEMENT--F373 Isn't The Only F Tag In Store For Non-Compliant Facilities
A problem with your feeding assistant program can mushroom.Facilities that don't meet surv... Read more
Would Your Med Pass Made The Grade With Surveyors?
This checklist can help you make sure.... Read more
Starting Oct. 1, Medicaid prescriptions are reimbursable by the federal government only if... Read more
Shore Up Your Fire Safety Compliance
A fire is everyone’s worst nightmare. You want to make sure your facility stays ou... Read more
Don't Monkey Around:
Let Us Know What You Need From Long-Term Survey Alert
We want you feedback.For almost a decade, many of you have counted on Long-Term Care Surve... Read more
IMMEDIATE JEOPARDY CITATIONS: 2 Scenarios Can Land You With An IJ Tag When Using Paid Feeding Assistants
Forewarned means you can be on guard to prevent problems.Paid feeding assistants can help ... Read more
F323 (ACCIDENTS AND SUPERVISION) SURVEY TOOLKIT: Ramp Up Now To Stamp Out Actual Harm Citations Or Worse
6 ways to stave off F323 and related tagsWith revised survey guidance for F323 tag now in ... Read more
Risk Management:
Maintain This Key Refrain When Doing Root-Cause Analysis
Keep digging to ferret out the problems.  Some facilities feel daunted by the time th... Read more
Don't Let Incident Report Practices Imperil Your Nursing Facility
These tips will keep you off a slippery liability slope.When a resident has an accident or... Read more
Pack Your Skin-Care Know-How With These FAQs About Deep Tissue Injury
Forewarned is forearmed in addressing this beguiling phenomenon.What you don't know about ... Read more
Review The ABCs Of Defining, Assessing, Coding Physical Restraints
When CMS trains surveyors, it's a good idea to study the lessons.Facilities that don't mas... Read more
CMS Survey And Cert Memo Takes A Strict Approach To Physical Restraints
You don't even have to read between the lines to get this message.The regs don't prohibit ... Read more
How Can Nurse Practitioners Help Your Facility? Experts Count The Ways
These physician extenders can be the ticket to a show-case survey record.Nursing facilitie... Read more
SERVICE Model Spells Success For Dementia Care
Find out why this facility’s approach = a smart move. If you’re looking f... Read more
FDA gives green light to infection-fighting wound care dressing. Retro Tech in Dallas rece... Read more
Don't Monkey Around:
Let Us Know What You Need From Long-Term Care Survey Alert
We want your feedback.For almost a decade, many of you have counted on Long-Term Care Surv... Read more
Give Your Restraint-Reduction Efforts A Quick Checkup
Make sure you're covering these essential steps.Does your facility's process for evaluatin... Read more
Clinical Care:
Avoid Using Wounding Wound Care Practices
Follow these 4 rules of thumb for healing wounds effectively. Your facility's wound outcom... Read more
Special Focus:
Family Abuse: Be In The Know To Prevent, Detect Family Abuse At The Get-Go
These key strategies will help protect residents and your facility. You have to protect r... Read more
Risk Management:
Set Families Up For Successful Offsite Visits With Their Residents
Implement these strategies before residents leave. The two cardinal rules for ensuring a r... Read more
Resident Safety:
Protect Residents From Drug-Photo Reactions
Certain meds + sun a dangerous combination make. All residents need adequate sun protecti... Read more
Resident Safety:
No Fun In The Sun When Taking These Meds
Is your resident taking any of these common prescription or OTC drugs? According to... Read more
Risk Management:
Stay On The Right Side Of Documentation
4 ways to ensure your nursing notes make the grade. A few nursing documentation strategie... Read more
Care Planning:
Clean Up Your Documentation With The SOAP Approach
Zero in on a problem's status... fast Using a SOAP approach for documentation can help yo... Read more
Check Out This Sample SOAP Note From The RAI User's Manual
Documentation captures subjective, objective info. The following example shows the SOAP ... Read more
Risk Management:
Here's How To Reduce Your Liability Insurance Premiums
Educate your liability insurance broker about deficiencies and risks In a more perfect su... Read more
Survey Trends:
A Survey Revisit Fee Looms For FY 2007 -- But Will It Stay?
Nursing facilities haven't escaped a survey revisit fee for FY 2007 É but almost. The loo... Read more
Clinical Care:
Read The Early Signs Of Dehydration Before It's Too Late
Think dehydration anytime a resident has these symptoms. Hindsight is 20/20, especially i... Read more
Clip And Save:
Are Your Residents Drinking Enough Fluids?
Here are 15 cool ways to ensure they do. An ounce of prevention goes a long way in preven... Read more
Survey News To Use
It's time to tighten up your restraint definitions and assessments. A new Centers for Med... Read more
Case Study ~ Follow This Facility's Path To Reduce Med Passes
A number of strategies can = less time passing pills. When it comes to medication passes, ... Read more
Time Management ~ Freeing Nurses From The Med Cart Allows Them To Do More For Residents
2 examples illustrate improved outcomes for residents. Nurses who spend less time at the m... Read more
Risk Management ~ Zero In On Factors That Put Your Facility At Risk For Lawsuits
Identify 4 risk-reducers that can keep you from court battles. Everyone agrees that managi... Read more
Program Management ~ Nail Down The Prevalence Of Cognitive Impairment In Your Facility
How to capture this vital risk statistic. Yes, your facility's cognitive impairment qualit... Read more
Special Focus:
Customer Relations ~ Take These 5 Steps To Nurture Residents' Families
Preempt complaints before they trample your survey record. Every facility has dream famili... Read more
Resident Assessment ~ Check Out This Useful, Time-Saving 'Identity Assessment'
Ask families to complete, send in this key form. One of the best ways to get to know a new... Read more
Best Practices ~ Don't Be Too Fast To Accept Residents Becoming Bedfast
These key moves will improve outcomes and quality of life. Looking for ways to prevent pre... Read more
Clinical Tip ~ Being In The Know Can Help Residents With COPD Stay On The Go
3 care tactics can address a resident's reluctance to leave his recliner. Residents with c... Read more
Continuing Education ~ Take Advantage Of These 5 MDS And Clinical Care Audioconferences
You get a 15 percent discount. Mark your calendar for these educational opportunities, wh... Read more
Clip & Save ~ Check Out This Handy Checklist For Bedfast Residents
Source: Developed through the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization program.... Read more
Survey News To Use ~ The U.S. Government Accountablity Office wants CMS to get tougher still on nursing home enforcement.
In a report entitled "Efforts to Strengthen Federal Enforcement Have Not Deterred Some Hom... Read more
Survey News To Use ~ CMS has clarified the dimensions for allowable gaps in corridor doors for fire safety.
"In a smoke compartment that is not fully sprinklered, a gap between the face of a corrido... Read more
Don't Let Billing Concerns Add Up To A Survey Disaster
These calculated strategies will keep civil monetary penalties off your ledger.Financial d... Read more
Vanquish 2 Sources Of Serious Drug-Drug Interactions
If your facility isn't doing this, residents may be in jeopardy.Unless a resident is takin... Read more
Does Your Resident Have A Genetic Problem Metabolizing Certain Meds?
Pharmacogenetic testing can provide the answer.If a resident or her family tells you she h... Read more
4 Simple Steps Can = A Major Leap In Care Plan Quality
These inside secrets will improve clinical and survey outcomes.Care plans can provide the ... Read more
RESTORATIVE NURSING--Make Restorative Nursing A Quality-Of-Life Journey
The right programming can make a big difference to your residents.If you're looking to mai... Read more
Get Paid For Your Restorative Efforts
An integrated approach can improve care and your bottom line.Restorative nursing programs ... Read more
Check Out The Top 10 Drug-Drug Interactions Listed In Revised F329 Guidance
You can bet surveyors will have this info in hand.... Read more
Ask Staff To Put On Their Surveyor Hats
This strategy can help keep you survey ready 24/7.Teaching staff what to look for and corr... Read more
Meet Your Staff's Educational Needs
Capitalize on the 10% discount for audioconferences. Mark your calendars for “D... Read more
Patients with Alzheimer's disease may have a new treatment approach in the offing if research under way pans out.
Researchers at Rockefeller University have discovered that blocking a protein called casei... Read more
If you get an error warning involving MDS item W1 and your NPI, CMS has instructions for you.
In a recent Q&A posted at www.qtso.com/mdsfaq.html#-399qtso.com, a nursing home provid... Read more
Taping Exit Interviews--Before You Dare, Be Aware Of These Considerations
3 legal experts explore the pros, cons, alternatives.Question: Our facility is debating wh... Read more
5 Key Debridement Strategies--How To Pick The Right One
Make sure this treatment helps rather than hurts wounds.Debriding a wound can give it a ne... Read more
Give Your Cancer Screening And Care A Checkup
Does your facility use this 3-step approach for each resident?A one-size-fits all approach... Read more
Help Elderly Breast Cancer Patients, Physicians Weigh Rx Options
New clinical trial data, lab test can improve decision-making.A resident has an early estr... Read more
Look Beyond Section I Of The MDS To Identify Potential Metastatic Disease
The answer to this resident's riddle of symptoms was in his medical history.Out of sight m... Read more
Maggot Therapy Could Save A Resident's Life Or Limb
Find out what this 'smart' debridement method has to offer.Medical maggot therapy has been... Read more
Resident Taking Erythopoiesis-Stimulating Agent? Beware New FDA Alert
Stay on top of the dangers of these anemia-fighting meds.Many residents receiving chemo or... Read more
New Tool Can Help You Adapt Health Promotion To Nursing Home Residents
Check out AMDA's new decision-making guidelines.Facilities will now have an easier time de... Read more
4 Actions Your Medical Director Needs To Take To Ensure Medication Safety
Unheeded FDA alerts sow the seeds of F501 deficiencies.To address FDA alerts, the medical ... Read more
Backlogs In Complaint Investigations Can Work In Your Favor -- Here's How
Know the rules for how surveyors can punish you for past noncompliance.Suppose your facili... Read more
Ready To Reach Into Your Pockets To Pay For Survey Revisits?
The word is that CMS may issue a reg to implement user fees for FY 2007.As if civil moneta... Read more
Weigh The Benefits And Risks Of Health Maintenance Interventions
AMDA clinical practice guideline helps you navigate the options.... Read more
To Code Or Not To Code Resisting Care In E4
Whether you do so depends on this key factor.Question: A resident with dementia refuses ba... Read more
Plan Ahead To Meet Staff Education Needs
Improve your MDS know-how and quality of care.Our upcoming Eli-sponsored audio conferences... Read more
Don't Let HIPAA Breaches Trip Up Your Facility
New HHS concerns about electronic PHI could have CMS on your trail.HIPAA is back on CMS' r... Read more
Meet The Short-Stay Challenge In Completing The CMS-802
This subacute facility knows where to collect info for the form quickly.Facilities with lo... Read more
Looking to boost residents' immune response to the shingles vaccine and promote better phy... Read more
Survey Management:
Lessons Unlearned Can Add Up To Wrong Survey Outcomes
Use these field-proven strategies to nip problems before they bud into F tags. Experts in... Read more
You Aren't Stuck With Surveyor Bad Behavior
This facility 'turned' a difficult surveyor. When nursing home exec Dale Lind heard about ... Read more
Special Focus:
Abuse Detection & Investigation: Earn An 'A' In Detecting And Investigating Abuse.
Here's how to protect residents and wow surveyors. Your best bet for staying a step ahead ... Read more
Read And Address The Signs Of Sexual Assault In The Right Way.
Know what to look for and what not to do if you find it. You can go a long way toward dete... Read more
Investigation Documentation:
Use This Documentation Checklist For Abuse Investigations.
Cover these essential bases. Documentation can save the day when surveyors are hot on the ... Read more
Staff Training:
Teach Staff 'Survey Speak' To Avoid Damning 'I Don't Know' Quotes On The CMS 2567.
If you don' t know the answer, this is the best route to go. Of all the staff comments yo... Read more
Care Planning:
A Bed Mobility Care Plan Can Turn Around Your Quality Indicators/Measures
Consider these resident-specific interventions. An individualized bed mobility care plan c... Read more
Survey Trends:
Don't Be Waylaid: Here's What's Coming Down The Survey Pike
Watch out for candid cameras, Part D scrutiny, culture change and more. The survey landsca... Read more
Clinical Tip:
Resident Refusing Thickened Liquids? Try These Simple Workarounds.
Meet residents' safety and quality-of-life needs. Before you get into the thick of a battl... Read more
Resident Rights:
Cover The Bases When A Resident Refuses Potentially Lifesaving Care
Follow this pivotal risk management advice. The resident or his decision-maker has a right... Read more
What Do You Think?:
Forensic Fiction Or Fact
Can a wound tell you exactly when it occurred? If you think an expert can look at a wound ... Read more
Infection Control:
How would your facility answer these questions?
Checklist: Infection Screening Does your facility have a process for infection screening ... Read more
Survey & Clinical News
Looking for a fun exercise program proven to help fall proof residents?A program called Co... Read more
Head Off Citations With This Stealth Strategy
Hear how being a fly on the wall during surveys keeps F-tags at bay. A successful survey m... Read more
CPR Shortfalls Can Leave Your Survey Record In Need Of Reviving
Follow this survival advice on a survey hot button issue. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is... Read more
To Resuscitate Or Not To Resuscitate: If the Resident Appears To Be Dead, Consider This
You have to deal with the regulatory realities in performing CPR. You walk into a residen... Read more
Don't Let Inflexible CPR Policies Lock Your Facility Into F Tags
2 key guidelines give your facility wiggle room. In developing effective cardiopulmon... Read more
MANAGING RESIDENTS REFUSING CARE--When Residents Reject Care, Follow These Best Practice Strategies
Here's how to walk the survey tight rope on this high liability issue. If surveyors discov... Read more
Tool Cuts Through Confusion Over Residents' Decision-Making Ability
Assess the key elements of the ability to make an informed choice. Talk about a tricky dec... Read more
Check Out This Decision-Making Assessment
Help the team make decisions about whether residents can do the same. 1. Ability to P... Read more
Too Many Call Lights Running Staff Ragged? Consider This Hourly Rounding Approach
What sounds like more work may actually be less. If you want to reduce the number of call ... Read more
Play A Hand In Preventing Infection--Improve Handwashing Compliance
Rein in nosocomial infection rates by using these 5 field-test strategies. Effective hand ... Read more
Wondering about the survey implications of enacting culture change? CMS has provided a sur... Read more
Take The Guesswork Out Of Informed Consent Requirements
Know when you need specific consent for treatments. Question: When does a specific treatme... Read more
Step Off The Decertification Track Before It's Too Late -- Here's How
This worst-case consequence can sneak up on you. Envision this: You get a call from someon... Read more
Read Between The Lines To Nail Down Fines, Compliance Deadlines
Here's one form letter you never want to toss. If your eyes glaze over when you read the c... Read more
Tailor Medications To Meet Palliative Care Needs
Medication regimens at end of life provide a window into your care. Your terminally ill re... Read more
The Right Pics + Documentation = A Get Out Of F314 Tags Free Strategy
Clearly show you're on top of a wound's progress. Every picture tells a story. And a serie... Read more
'Alternative' Remedies Can Beat The Alternative Of F329 Tags
Some providers are reaching outside the traditional Rx chest. Using non-pharmacological re... Read more
Recent LTC Prosecutions Include Candid Cameras, Jail Time For 'Worthless Services'
Take the high road away from this nightmare scenario. The specter of nursing home staff be... Read more
Root Out F Tags: Determine The Root Cause Of Behavioral Sx
Make this survey and quality issue a care plan priority. If you believe behavior has meani... Read more
Top-Notch Staff Retention Program Saves Thousands And Boosts Satisfaction Scores
Find out how one facility keeps its turnover rates at only 5 percent. Costs associated wit... Read more
Drill Down Your Bed Mobility Assessment To Prevent Pressure Ulcers
Identify residents who really need a turning and repositioning program. Facilities that au... Read more
Check Out This Performance Test For Repositioning
Assess, score residents' ability to turn/reposition without hands-on help. PERFORMANCE ASS... Read more
Check Out These CMS Recommendations For Reengaging Residents In Activities
Surveyors may check to see if you've tried the following suggestions. A gentle nudge into ... Read more
Know The Coding, Care Plan Ropes For Section G4 (Functional Limitation In Range Of Motion)
Avoid common mistakes that will get the F tags rolling. If you don't know how the scoring ... Read more
Overcome Consumer, Surveyor Resistance To Alternative Remedies
Sidestep these anticipated problems.Facilities offering alternative therapies can take ste... Read more
Available Years:  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002