Question: How should we bill for the new and widely requested contraceptive injection Lunelle, which was recently approved by the FDA?
New Hampshire Subscriber
Answer: Report 90782 (therapeutic or diagnostic injection; subcutaneous or intramuscular) and specify "Lunelle" on the claim form. Link ICD-9 codes V25.0 (encounter for contraceptive management, general counseling and advice), V25.02 (initiation of other contraceptive measures), V25.49 (other contraceptive method) and V72.3 (gynecological examination). Report the appropriate CPT and ICD-9 codes with the regular office visit codes for new (99201-99205) or established patients (99211-99215). Then list J3490 (unclassified drugs, specify Lunelle and dose) until a new specific HCPCS code is designated. The national drug code is 00009348404, and the clinical dose is .5 ml.