Internal Medicine Coding Alert

Avoid 3 Common Diabetes Coding Mistakes
Know when to use 250.xx and 365.44 If you always use 250.00 to justify the internist's dia... Read more
Make the New ICD-9 Codes Work for You
Using 600.0 for BPH? Not for long You will finally have a code to specify whether a patien... Read more
Stung by Allergic Reaction Coding?
Try 4 strategies for improving pay You could be losing out when an internist treats bee-ve... Read more
Reader Question:
You May Charge G0101 and Q0091 Together
Question: My internist performed a breast and pelvic exam on a Medicare patient and collec... Read more
Reader Question:
Submit 90471 or G0008 for Flu Shot
Question: Can I report 99211 along with 90471 or G0008 when the nurse administers a flu sh... Read more
Reader Question:
Use 780.5x for Bad Nighttime Habits
Question: A woman came in with a chief complaint of sleeping problems. The internist perfo... Read more
Reader Question:
Waived Lab Test Requires -QW
Question: Should I report modifier -QW when the internist performs a waived lab test, such... Read more
Reader Question:
Combat E/M Downcoding
Question: An insurer downcodes E/M visits because the diagnoses don't support the service ... Read more
Reader Question:
Stop Stressing Over ECGs
Question: My internist performed an electrocardiogram (ECG) prior to giving the patient a ... Read more
Reader Question:
Base CPO Coding on Location
Question: Hospice caregivers call an internist regularly about patient issues such as adju... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Render an Opinion on Confirmatory Consults
Question: Can a transfer of service take place when the internist conducts a confirmatory ... Read more
4 Tips Help Repair Your Laceration Coding
Experts show you when to use intermediate repair codesWhen it comes to laceration repair c... Read more
Test Your Coding Knowledge:
Laceration Repair FAQs
If you're still unsure about how to report laceration services, now is the time to brush u... Read more
Want to Boost Your ICD-9 Coding Accuracy? 5 strategies for optimal ICD-9 coding
Internal medicine coders who want to assign the most accurate procedure codes know they ne... Read more
6 Must-Have HIPAA Training Skills
You can have all the HIPAA training in the world, but if you're not enforcing and practici... Read more
Reader Question:
Interrupted Office Schedule Requires 99058
Question: When should we use 99058?Montana Subscriber Answer: You should report 99058 (Off... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Two Codes for Burn Treatments
Question: My internist recently treated a patient who had an episode of dizziness while co... Read more
Reader Question:
Physician-Performed Venipuncture Calls for 36410
Question: Would you explain the difference between venipuncture codes 36410 and 36415?Flor... Read more
Reader Question:
Choose 99450 for E/M Disability Services
Question: Our internist frequently treats patients on disability. How should I report the ... Read more
Reader Question:
CMS Will Not Pay for 99358 or 99359
Question: Will carriers pay our internist for more than 30 minutes of additional time spen... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Modifier -57 When E/M Leads to Major Surgery
Question: We attached modifier -57 to an E/M service that resulted in a decision to remove... Read more
Reader Question:
Save Yourself Construction Costs
Question: Are physical barriers available to prevent patients and visitors from viewing co... Read more
You Be The Coder:
Hip Replacement Consultation
Question: An orthopedic surgeon sent a patient with asthma and hypertension to our interni... Read more
Are You Reporting Trigger Point Injections Correctly?
3 tips ensure proper reimbursement for 20552-20553You'll report trigger point injections (... Read more
NCCI 9.3 Update:
Don't Sweat NCCI's 94660-94662 Bundles
Worried about the latest National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI), version 9.3, which too... Read more
3 Strategies Help You Master Office Consults
Get the most of out of 99241-99245 With the HHS Office of Inspector General targeting con... Read more
2 Scenarios Reinforce Your Modifier -Q5 and -Q6 Use
 Ensure payment when the doc's out When your internist takes Christmas vacation, how ... Read more
Clip-and-Save Checklist:
9 Tips for Recouping Your Substitute Physician Pay
Avoid unnecessary stress this holiday season if you report reciprocal billing arrangements... Read more
Emphysema Coding
The September 2003 Internal Medicine Coding Alert article "Need to Ease Your Emphysema Cod... Read more
Reader Question:
Stick With Documentation When Reporting 519.1
Question: My internist says that when a pediatric patient presents for the first time with... Read more
Reader Question:
Send 90782 and 99213 to Private Payers
Question: Can we submit both 90782 and CPT 99213 to a private payer? We know Medicare will... Read more
Reader Question:
Use 29580 for Unna Boot Procedures
Question: What is an Unna boot and how should I bill for it?Michigan Subscriber Answer: Ty... Read more
Reader Question:
Roll Ear-Wick Placement Into E/M Service
Question: Which code should I assign for the internist inserting a wick in a patient's ear... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Modifiers With Joint Injections
Question: Our internist does frequent work in rheumatology, and she will often do a joint ... Read more
Need to Ease Your Emphysema Coding Pains? 3 Tips for Boosting Your PFT Reimbursement
You're having trouble choosing the correct code for a pulmonary function test (PFT) (94010... Read more
Keep Reimbursement Flowing:
Give Your Coumadin Coding a Checkup
If you're not up to speed on two crucial aspects of Coumadin monitoring - in-office finger... Read more
Avoid Coumadin Coding Mistakes:
A Clip-and-Save Checklist
Don't get stuck with the bill for your internist's in-office monitoring of Coumadin use - ... Read more
Can Your Internist Share ED Services? Unlock the Door to 99281 Payments
If you're getting denials for claims made by your  internist and another physician fo... Read more
Reader Question:
Age Matters When Reporting Transport Codes
Question: My internist attended to a critical care adult patient in transport to another f... Read more
Reader Question:
Know What the Fourth Digit Means in 401.x
Question: When should I use a diagnosis of malignant hypertension? For example, if a patie... Read more
Reader Question:
Report 99354 for Bee-Sting Complications
Question: A patient presented to our office with complications from a bee sting. Our inter... Read more
Reader Question:
Use 92553 for Presbycusis Treatment
Question: How should we report audiometry treatment for presbycusis? Also, which diagnosis... Read more
Reader Question:
Sort Out Nosebleed Cauterization Codes
Question:  I used to report 17250 when my internist cauterized a nosebleed. But I rec... Read more
Reader Question:
Internists Can't Bill for Splint Placement
Question: An established patient who comes in regularly for diabetes (250.xx) and hyperten... Read more
Reader Question:
Take the Pain Out of J2000 Denials
Question: How should I code for a joint aspiration injection of lidocaine? Should I bill f... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Unsuccessful Procedure Attempt
Question: How should I bill for an unsuccessful procedure attempt? My internist attempted ... Read more
6 Tips for Preventive and Problem
Internists often see patients for preventive measures and during the course of the exam d... Read more
3 Coding Rules to Avoid Counseling Underpayments
You can boost your E/M levels and generate more reimbursement for your practice by tracki... Read more
News You Can Use:
Get More Specific With New ICD-9 Codes
Internal medicine coders will finally be able to specify memory loss (780.93), septic sho... Read more
News You Can Use:
NCCI 9.2 Bundles Nutrition Therapy With Everything!
In the latest release of NCCI edits, the National Correct Coding Initiative bundles medic... Read more
NCCI 101:
Navigate the Edits Lingo
Tired of bungling bundles and misinterpreting mutually exclusives? Brush up on your N... Read more
News You Can Use:
Take the Money and Run
CMS Has Change of Heart on Proposed Mass Adjustment Good news for your practice: Internist... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Consult Codes for Some Pre-Op Visits
Question: A Medicare patient of ours is going in for surgery, and the surgeon requested t... Read more
Reader Question:
Dont Separately Code Peak Flow
Question: I never know when to charge for peak flow separately or when it's included in t... Read more
Reader Question:
Who Specified What
Question: What do "NEC" and "NOS" mean in ICD-9 coding? How should I choose between them?F... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Choose Between -51 and -59 for Wound Sites
Question: Should we use modifier -51 or modifier  -59 to report multiple wound repai... Read more
Think Youve Learned Your Immunotherapy ABCs? Think Again
Allergy season brings new patients into your office each day, so you must be proficient en... Read more
Earn $35 More per Visit With Better Medical Decision-Making
If youve been downcoding to a level-four office visit or lower just to play it safe, you m... Read more
Think Youve Made Your Case for Modifier -22? Not if You Havent Done These 5 Things
If youre submitting claims for unusual procedural services without first determining how... Read more
Reader Questions:
Watch Out for X-Ray Components
Question: How should I bill for x-ray interpretation when we do not own the equipment?Illi... Read more
Reader Questions:
Avoid Unspecified Diagnosis for Hypertension
Question: Which code should we use to show the diagnosis of hypertension that is renal-dis... Read more
Reader Questions:
Dont Double-Bill 93235 for 48-Hour Monitoring
Question: Our internist ordered and interpreted data from a 24-hour Holter monitor. Is the... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use V Code for Pap-Only Visit
Question: A patient came in for a well-woman visit, but the physician could not perform a ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Code Separately for Anaphylaxis
Question: A patient came in to receive an allergy injection. She had an anaphylactic react... Read more
Reader Question:
Choose Your Coding Poison Based on Documentation
Question: How should I decide whether managing excessive bleeding that requires extra phys... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Code 90782 Multiple Times
Question: When using 90782 for injection administration, can I use this multiple times wit... Read more
Break Down Nebulizer Session to Capture Allowable Services and Procedures
Although CPT 2003 clarified the nebulizer training codes, coders are still asking questi... Read more
Receive Reimbursement for Sports Physicals
Confused about whether the preventive medicine codes can be used to report a sports physi... Read more
Modifier -22:
4 Tips for Writing Summary Letters to Avert Appeals
Going the extra mile to convince Medicare and third-party payers that a procedure warran... Read more
News Brief:
New Pap and Pelvic Exam Codes Bring Coding Dangers
In a recent Program Memorandum, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services expanded ... Read more
A Dime a MinuteApplies in the Office
Question: How should I code for Coumadin management when our physician does the evaluatio... Read more
Inject a Reason
Question: Apatient presents with elevated blood sugar. Aphysician administers an insulin ... Read more
Stop Stressing Over ECGs
Question: Our internist performed an electrocardiogram (ECG) prior to giving the patient... Read more
Dont Hold Your Breath Over O2
Question: Should we bill for oxygen administration and the oxygen? South Carolina Subscr... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Ignoring New TPI Rules Is Painful
Question: Insurers keep denying trigger point injection (TPI) claims with 20550. For ins... Read more
Screening or Diagnostic? Test Your Mammogram Identification Skills
Coders, you are your practice's best line of defense against submi... Read more
Please Payers With Covered Mammogram Diagnosis Codes
Don't differentiate a screening mammography from a diagnostic mammography and then blow ... Read more
Use Knowledge of HPI to Curtail Underpaid E/M Claims
Many office visits that should score a level-four or -five E/M code are reported as leve... Read more
Reader Question:
Prevent Denials for Sports Physicals With 97005
Question: A fellow coder recently suggested reporting codes 97005 and 97006 for sports p... Read more
Reader Question:
Screen Asymptomatic Pap Smear Codes
Question: What are Medicare's coverage requirements for Pap smears for asymptomatic patie... Read more
Reader Question:
Make Picture-Perfect 51798 Assignments
Question: I know that the new code 51798 replaces Medicare's G0050, but how do I know if... Read more
Reader Question:
Dont Risk Undercoding E/Ms
Question: I am trying to figure out an easy way to determine risk levels for the MDM com... Read more
Reader Question:
Keep Dermabond Coding Simple
Question: Can I report G0168 anytime Dermabond is used in a simple laceration repair? Wh... Read more
Reader Question:
Raise Your Hepatitis B IQ
Question: Should we still be reporting codes 90740-90748 for hepatitis B vaccines? I've... Read more
You Be the Coder:
HoltThat -26
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a... Read more
Get Paid Ivy League Rates for Educational Diabetes Services
Educating patients with diabetes on proper self-care procedures can be a time-consumin... Read more
Dont Lose Focus Coding Diabetes-Related Visits
A diagnosis of diabetes affects coding for services ranging from preventive-care visits ... Read more
Prolonged Services FAQs:
Value Your Extra Time
Don't let the abundance of guidelines for codes 99354-99357 deter you from pr... Read more
Reader Question:
Dont Expect Telephone Reimbursement
Question: An internist on our staff directed emergency care by phone to the ED for a pat... Read more
Reader Question:
Hold Claims for New Doctor
Question: We have a new doctor who does not have her Medicare or other provider numbers ... Read more
Reader Question:
Check Documentation to Code Allergy Shot
Question: Which diagnosis code should I use for a patient coming to our office only for ... Read more
Reader Question:
Bury the Myth That Adults Cant Be Juvenile
Question: When I'm choosing the "type" of diabetes, how old does the patient have to be... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Document Unrelated Multiple Visits
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a... Read more
Dont Let Dementia Assessment Coding Send You Over the Edge
Many internists are confused about how to code dementia assessments for their geriatric... Read more
Put Your Thinking Cap on When Coding Diagnosis for Dementia Assessments
Diagnosis codes used in coding dementia assessments can have a major impact on patients'... Read more
You Wont Skip a Beat If You Code Cardiac Components
When coding a heart test for a patient, you may feel as if you're being tested yourself... Read more
Carefully Monitor Your ICD-9 Codes For Heart Tests
Be sure your diagnosis code supports medical necessity for the heart test you code. "If... Read more
Reader Question:
Patient Receives After-Hours Care
Question: A Medicare patient knocked on the door on a Friday when the office was closed.... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Unlisted-Procedure Code for Dead Patient
Question: Our doctor went to a patient's home for a home visit and found the patient dea... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Documentation to Code Lesion Size
Question: The new CPT guidelines for excision of a benign or malignant lesion state that... Read more
Reader Question:
Office Visit Precedes Nursing Home Admission
Question: Can I bill for an office visit for an established patient and then bill for a n... Read more
Reader Question:
Does Flu Shot Establish a Patient?
Question: We gave a flu shot a couple of months ago to the wife of a patient we were se... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Diagnosis Is Not Listed in ICD-9
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a... Read more
2003 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule:
2003 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule:
Cut Through the Confusion to Maximize Your Reimbursement Send your claims to M... Read more
Use 2002 Codes Until March
Use 2002 HCPCS and CPT codes (when appropriate) rather than new and revised 2003 codes t... Read more
Don't X Out V Codes When Choosing a Diagnosis
Many coders avoid the V codes because they have a bad reputation as a series... Read more
CCI Edits Include Change for Lesion Removal
The Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) version 9.0 was recently released, and internists ... Read more
News Brief:
Q No Longer Works for B
If you're coding hepatitis B vaccinations for Medicare patients, hold onto your claims.... Read more
News Brief:
CMS Educates Teaching Physicians on Documentation Requirements
Internists who work in the teaching environment will now find it easier to document... Read more
Reader Question:
Physician Provides Telephone Orders
Question: Our office has been treating an anemic patient weekly with Procrit. She has mo... Read more
Reader Question:
Different Doctor Removes Stitches
Question: One physician in our group practice puts in stitches. When the patient return... Read more
Reader Question:
Internist Sees Hospice Patient
Question: I am overseeing care for a patient receiving hospice care. Are there rules abo... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Outpatient Surgery Patient Is Admitted
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking ... Read more
Follow New Rule to Score 100 on Shared Hospital Services
You can now use the physician's provider number to bill for same-day, face-to-face serv... Read more
Five Keys Open the Door to Incident-To Billing in the Office
The new rule on shared services clarifies when you need to bill using the nonphysician ... Read more
Keep Your Exs and Ins Straight When Coding Lesion Removal
Internists trying to understand CPT 2003's changes regarding lesion removal can cut... Read more
Make Valve Coding an Open-and-Shut Case
Coders often have trouble finding the correct diagnosis code for a patient with a... Read more
Reader Question:
Eye Injury Requires Fluorescein Staining
Question: When we see a patient for an eye injury and use fluorescein staining, is there... Read more
Reader Question:
Choose Correct V Code for Preventive Tests
Question: Which diagnosis code should I use to bill Medicare for preventive screening wi... Read more
Reader Question:
Patient Collapses,Receives Oxygen
Question: We had a patient suffer syncope and collapse in the office. We administered o... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Multiple Admissions Create Multiple Issues
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking ... Read more
Available Years:  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  1998  

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