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Internal Medicine Coding Alert
Internal Medicine Coding Alert
Internal Medicine Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 4, Number 12
CPT 2002 Codes for Internal Medicine To Face Scrutiny From Medicare
New codes for trigger point injections, administration of intranasal vaccines, and ...
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Navigating the Choppy Waters of Observation Coding
Observation care coding is complicated, but time spent learning about these E/M codes c...
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Internists Field Complaints of Anthrax Exposure
With the ongoing reports of biological terrorism saturating the media, many internists a...
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Reader Question:
First Office Visit for Former Hospital Patient
Question: When a patient presents to the office for the first time after hospital discharg...
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Reader Question:
Mini-Mental Status Exam
Question: Our physicians frequently perform mini-mental status exams on some of our older ...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding a Venipuncture
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before ...
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Internal Medicine Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 4, Number 11
2002 Update:
Asthma and Menopause Top the List of Diagnosis Code Changes for 2002
There are 83 changes to the 2002 edition of the ICD-9-CM manual that affect internists...
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Lower-Level E/M Codes May Generate Higher Revenue
Proper use of low-level office visit codes (99201, office or other outpatient visit for ...
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Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation
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Reader Question:
Modifiers for Lesions
Question: We have a Medicare patient who had multiple procedures (11200, 11201, 11201-59, ...
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Reader Question:
Care Plan Oversight
Question: Should I use care plan oversight (CPO) codes on a nursing-home patient?Illinois ...
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Reader Question:
Annual Exam Reimbursement
Question: How can we get reimbursement for a Medicare patient who needs an annual physic...
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You Be the Coder:
Port Catheter Flush
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before look...
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Internal Medicine Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 4, Number 10
Draw Distinction Between Modifiers -51 and -59 to Avoid Denials
CPT language describing modifiers -59 (distinct procedural service) and -51 (multiple pr...
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Medicare Revises the ABN To Create a Standard
CMS' release of a program memorandum on June 27, 2001, introduces medical providers to a...
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News Brief:
Medicare Expands Coverage of Actinic Keratosis Destruction
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced July 20, 2001, in decisio...
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Conference Targets Pediatric, Ob-Gyn Coding and Compliance
"The National Pediatric and Ob-Gyn Coding and Compliance Conference: 2001" will be held i...
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Reader Question:
Guaiac Tests
Question: What is the proper billing for checking occult blood using a guaiac test? T...
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Reader Question:
Comprehensive Versus Mutually Exclusive Codes
Question: The national Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) has listings for correct coding edi...
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Reader Question:
Counseling and Psychosis
Question: If I use a psychosis code as a second or third diagnosis, will the reimbursement...
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You Be the Coder:
Hospice Care
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before loo...
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Internal Medicine Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 4, Number 9
Use CMS Transmittal To Appeal Denials for Preoperative Clearance Exams
Internists may find it difficult to receive proper reimbursement for a preoperative clea...
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Modifier -25 Know the Conditions for Its Use
Internists must understand that proper use of modifier -25 (significant, separately ident...
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Reader Question:
Bronchoscopy With Washings
Question: Recently my internist (who specializes in pulmonology) did a bronchoscopy with...
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Reader Question:
PCP in the Nursing Home
Question: Which code should we use when a patient is transferred to a nursing rehab center...
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Reader Question:
Symptoms of Hypertension
Question: What symptoms qualify as malignant hypertension? Are there specific diastolic/s...
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Reader Question:
Anesthesia for Perineum
Question: CPT codes 00400 and 00900 both deal with lesions of the perineum. When would one...
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Reader Question:
Clonidine Suppression Test
Question: How should I code the physician part of a clonidine suppression test? Under evo...
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Reader Question:
Coding an Aspiration
Question: On some procedures such as chest x-rays or upper GIs we receive "aspiration" as...
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You Be the Coder:
Kenalog Injection
Reviewed on May 27, 2015 Test your coding knowledge. Determine how yo...
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Internal Medicine Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 4, Number 8
Get Paid for Same-Day Pelvic/Breast Exam and Problem-Oriented Office Visit
Effective July 1, 2001, Medicare's Program Memorandum 1823 released on Feb. 1, 2001, c...
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News Brief:
HCFA Changes Name to CMS
The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), which administers Medicare and Medicaid...
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Use Counseling Time To Code Higher-Level E/M
A higher level of E/M may be reported if an internist spends the majority of an offic...
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Reader Question:
Question: How should we bill for the new and widely requested contraceptive injection Lun...
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Reader Question:
Pulmonary Function Tests
Question: Are internists performing pulmonary function tests (PFTs) as part of their prac...
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Reader Question:
Certification Services
Question: How much can I charge for G0180, and when does the date of service begin?Maine ...
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You Be the Coder:
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before loo...
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Internal Medicine Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 4, Number 7
Dont Get Burned by Using the Wrong Burn Treatment Code
Internists treating patients with first- or second-degree burns often report E/M co...
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HCFA Fee Schedule has a Wealth of Information for Coders
Every year, HCFA updates its Fee Schedule for Physicians . The 2001 national Physi...
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Calculating Medicare Payments From RVUs and GPCIs
By definition, geographic practice cost indices (GPCIs) differ from region to region. H...
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Example of 2001 National Physician Fee Schedule Relative Value File
CPT Codes and descriptions are copyright 2001 American Medical Association. ...
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Reader Question:
Injections During an E/M
Question: If an osteoarthritis patient receives a celestone injection, can I bill for t...
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Reader Question:
Suture Removal
Question: Occasionally, our doctor will remove sutures that were placed elsewhere. As fa...
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Reader Question:
When to Use Time-based Coding
Question: If an established patient presents with a rash but most of the time is spent c...
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Reader Question:
Preventive and Problem-focused Coding
Question: If an internist performs a complete physical exam (CPE) on a 35-ye...
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Reader Question:
Pelvic/Breast Exam Fees
Question: The current Medicare fee schedule for Vermont allows only $28 for a gynecolog...
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You Be the Coder:
Tetanus and Hepatitis A Vaccines
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before look...
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Internal Medicine Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 4, Number 6
How to Use Diagnosis Codes to Support Hypertension, Diabetes and Anemia Claims
So much attention is paid to CPT codes in regard to billing and reimbursement that it so...
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Avoid Hospital Admission Coding Errors When Billing For Absent Internists
There are two arrangements absent internists can make with other providers to get paid fo...
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Reader Question:
Swing-bed Status
Question: A hospital inpatient is discharged to swing-bed status but remains in the hospit...
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Reader Question:
Copayments With Prothrombin Time
Question: We have just started to bill for Prothrombin Time (PT) in our office for patient...
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Reader Question:
Partial Dialysis Treatment
Question: How does our office get paid for performing only a partial month of dialysis? We...
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Reader Question:
Diagnostic Tests
Question: Is it appropriate for us to bill for diagnostic tests conducted at the same time...
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You Be the Coder:
Lupron Injections
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking at...
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Internal Medicine Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 4, Number 5
Common Wart Removal Codes Offer Greater Reimbursement
"Internists are dealing with straightforward integumentary complaints that were once readi...
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Making Preventive Medicine Services Work:
Understand The Intricacies Of Coding and Educate Patients on Payment
A popular coding myth is that internists steer away from preventive medicine services beca...
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Reader Question:
Team Management
Question: Our practice treats medium- to high-risk seniors with comprehensive healthcare p...
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Reader Question:
Rules for Preoperative Time
Question: A patient came in for a preoperative visit three days before his surgery. Can we...
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Reader Question:
Diagnostic Tests With Office Visits
Question: Is it OK to bill for diagnostic tests conducted at the same time as an office vi...
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Reader Question:
Breathing Treatments
Question: How do I code for a nebulizer breathing treatment? Ohio Subscriber Answer: The c...
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You Be the Coder:
Pap Smear Diagnosis
Question: I recently asked my Medicare carrier about coding for a pap smear. My CPT codes ...
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Internal Medicine Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 4, Number 4
Coding for Dermabond and Simple Laceration Repairs Is Carrier-specific
"To ensure proper reimbursement when using Dermabond for simple laceration repair, interni...
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Learn New Standards for Proper Critical Care Coding
Critical care reimbursement for 2001 has increased by more than 10 percent over last years...
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Reader Question:
Presurgical Physicals
Question: How do I code for a presurgical physical (99244) so insurance carriers will pay ...
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Reader Question:
Coding for Supplies
Question: Were administering fluids for rehydration in our office and are having trouble f...
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Reader Question:
Emergency Office Visit
Question: A patient came to our office for a scheduled visit and was sent to the hospital ...
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Reader Question:
Diagnosis for Pap Smear
Question: I recently asked Medicare about coding for a Pap smear. My CPT codes are correct...
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You Be the Coder:
Mini-mental Exams
Question: What is the correct way to bill for a mini-mental status examination (MMSE)? A n...
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Internal Medicine Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 4, Number 3
Follow Prequalification Factors to Get Proper Payment for Remicade
Remicade infusions offer added reimbursement for internists treating patients who are amon...
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Home Health Certification and Recertification Can Be Reported For Added Stream of Revenue
Effective Jan. 1, 2001, HCFA will reimburse internists for doing something they were alrea...
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HCFA Suspends a Large Portion of the CCI 6.3 Edits
In an extraordinary about-face, HCFA has suspended edits of evaluation and management (E/M...
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Reader Question:
Diagnosis Codes for PFTs
Question: We purchased equipment to perform pulmonary function tests (PFTs) in our office ...
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Reader Question:
Code for Postoperative Care
Question: Our internist was asked to do a pre-operative evaluation of a patient with hype...
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You Be the Coder:
Modifier -51 and Multiple Trigger Point Injections
Question: We attach modifier -51 for trigger point injections performed on two or more bod...
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Internal Medicine Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 4, Number 2
Use of Doppler Add-on Codes Can Boost Reimbursement for Echocardiography
The codes for transthoracic echocardiography (TTE, 93303-93308) are among the 50 most fre...
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How to Assess Medical Decision-making for High-level E/M Visits
Reimbursement for an office visit increases dramatically when going from a level-four (992...
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CPT Defines Level-four and Level-five Office Visits
The CPT manual requires the following levels of history, examination and medical decision-...
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News Brief:
Congress Increases Frequency of Covered Pap Smears and Pelvic Exams
The U.S. Congress recently passed legislation that increases the frequency of Pap smear te...
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Reader Question:
Nurse Injections
Question: When a nurse gives an injection, should we bill 99211 or the injection code 9078...
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Reader Question:
Commercial Insurers and Preventive Exams
Question: Are preventive service visits billed the same for commercial insurance carriers ...
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You Be the Coder:
Flu Vaccine Policy
Question: Has Medicares flu vaccination policy changed again? Texas SubscriberTest your co...
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Internal Medicine Coding Alert - 2001; Volume 4, Number 1
New Procedures for Prothrombin Time Tests May Change Reimbursement
Due to advances in medical technology, the manner in which Prothrombin time laboratory tes...
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Bill Preoperative Exams as Consults to Optimize Reimbursement
Internists seldom act as consulting physicians or bill the CPT consultation codes. Preoper...
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Reader Question:
Reporting Time Spent with Family
Question: What is meant by the time spent counseling the patient and coordinating care? Do...
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Reader Question:
Physical Exam for New Medicare Patients
Question: We have recently opened a new clinic, and several new Medicare patients have com...
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Reader Question:
New Nutrition Codes and Diabetes Education
Question: How can our internal medicine practice report nutritional counseling provided by...
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You Be the Coder:
Hospital Discharge to Swing Bed Status
Question: A hospital inpatient was discharged to swing bed status, but remains in the hosp...
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Available Years: