Inpatient Facility Coding & Compliance Alert

You Be the Coder:

Heads Up for Your ICD-10 'Atypical Chest Pain' Code

Question: Chest pain is a common diagnosis in our Emergency Department. What’s the correct diagnosis code for “atypical” chest pain?

Texas Subscriber

Answer: The ICD-9 index points to 786.59 (Other chest pain) for atypical chest pain. This code applies for any sort of discomfort, pressure, or tightness in the chest if there’s not a more specific code for the condition.
Different physicians may use the term “atypical chest pain” to mean different things. For instance, one physician may mean the patient’s description is atypical of angina pectoris or cardiac-related pain. Another may mean the location, causes, and relieving factors may not be typical of most patients.
ICD-10: Once ICD-10 goes into effect, code 786.59 will cross to R07.82 (Intercostal pain) and R07.89 (Other chest pain). ICD-10 indexes atypical chest pain to “other” code R07.89. Reserve R07.82 for intercostal pain, which refers to pain between the ribs.

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