Take this primer and stay clear of RACs by correctly classifying patients. If you're fuzzy on the distinctions between inpatient and outpatient status, it's likely that you're headed straight for audit scrutiny. Understand the answers to these four questions to ensure you won't gain extra RAC (recovery audit contractor) attention by filing too many claims changing a patient's status from inpatient to outpatient. Why it matters: 1. What Does Condition Code 44 Mean? If you determine that a patient has changed from inpatient status to outpatient, you'll need to classify the claim with Condition Code 44 (Inpatient admission changed to outpatient). The situation occurs when the physician orders inpatient services, but internal utilization review (UR) before claim submission shows that the services did not meet the hospital's inpatient criteria. If Condition Code 44 is applied at that point, the hospital can treat the entire episode of care as an outpatient encounter and receive payment under the outpatient prospective payment system. According to CMS, a patient generally is considered an inpatient if he or she has been formally admitted to the hospital because the physician expects the patient to need hospital care for 24 hours or longer, or because the patient needs services only available in an inpatient environment. Example: The physician or other practitioner responsible for the patient's care is responsible for deciding whether the patient should be admitted as an inpatient or placed in outpatient observation. Several factors come into play when determining whether an admission is medically necessary, according to coding and compliance expert Elin Baklid-Kunz, MBA, CPC, CCS: "CMS recognizes that inpatient status versus outpatient status is a problem area," Abbey says. "There are also extensive RAC audits in this area. The RAC auditors could use Condition Code 44 as a selection mechanism, but the RACs are much more interested in those cases where Condition Code 44 should have been used, but wasn't. Thus, one of the main RAC selection criterion is short, inpatient stays. These cases tend to pick up situations in which Condition Code 44 should have been used." 2. When Does Condition Code 44 Apply? CMS guidelines state that hospitals should use Condition Code 44 to address those relatively infrequent occasions when internal review determines that an inpatient admission does not meet hospital criteria and that the patient would have been registered as an outpatient under ordinary circumstances. The situation must meet four criteria before Condition Code 44 applies: Example: Payment: 3. How Do You Report Condition Code 44? When Condition Code 44 requirements are met, bill the entire episode of care as an outpatient episode of care. Outpatient services that were ordered and furnished should be billed as appropriate. Documentation: "If the status cannot be changed to outpatient, you must file the claim as inpatient/Part B only," Baklid-Kunz says. "Medicare will make payment for the 'Part B only' services such as diagnostic x-rays, laboratory tests, splints, surgical dressings, and certain other items. Payment will be determined under the Outpatient Prospective Payment System." 4. How Do We Handle Corrections? Hospitals cannot expunge or delete medical record entries " records must be retained in their original forms. Corrections or clarifications, however, might sometimes be necessary. "If a patient's status changes in accordance with the requirements for use of Condition Code 44, the change must be fully documented in the medical record, complete with orders and notes that indicate why the change was made, the care that was furnished to the beneficiary, and who made the decision to change the patient's status," Baklid-Kunz says. Example: Resource: