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Inpatient Facility Coding & Compliance Alert
Inpatient Facility Coding & Compliance Alert
Inpatient Facility Coding & Compliance Alert - 2016; Volume 5; Number 7
Is the Current Pause of QIO Reviews a Lull Before the Storm?
Check with the QIOs for your denied claims status before you take to appeals. In a yet...
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Policy/ reimbursement:
Are You Ready for the MACRA Overhaul of the Existing Payment Systems?
AMA wants the implementation to be postponed to July 2017. Get ready for transition to...
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Reader Question:
Know the Difference Between Acute Care Transfer and Discharge
Question: What is the difference between a discharge and an acute care transfer? ...
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Reader Question:
Know Whether You Need to Report POA Codes
Question: Do all the hospitals have to comply with the HAC-POA reporting to get rei...
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Reader Question:
Get the Right Code for Monitoring Device Insertion
Question: The provider inserted a monitoring device into the subcutaneous tissue of...
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You Be the Coder:
Assign a DRG Code for Pleural Effusion With Anemia
Question: A 45-year-old patient is admitted with a diagnosis of pleural effusion. T...
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Inpatient Facility Coding & Compliance Alert - 2016; Volume 5; Number 6
Policy/ Reimbursement:
Take NOTICE of the New MOON, Coming This August
Tackling the inherent issues isn’t as easy as it seems. Many Medicare beneficia...
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Don't Be in a Hurry While Texting Your Patient Orders
Read the fine print and skip the HIPAA trap. There is good news for the providers who ...
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ICD-10 Update:
What's New in the ICD-10-PCS Coding Guidelines?
Watch for revised rules for multiple procedures, root operations, body parts, and more. ...
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Reader Question:
Stay Away From 'Patient Dumping'
Question: What is meant by “patient dumping”? Is this something auditor...
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Reader Question:
Know the Difference Between a Cross Walk and GEM
Question: What is the difference between a cross walk and a GEM? Texas Subscriber...
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Reader Question:
Can Colonoscopy Be a Root Operation?
Question: While coding for a procedure, can we consider colonoscopy as a root opera...
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Reader Question:
Do Not Count Acute Pancreatitis As MCC After Oct. 1
Question: I have heard that in the IPPS update, apart from the revisions of the ICD...
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You Be the Coder:
Know the New Codes for Gastrointestinal Tumors
Question: Does the ICD-10-CM code set have new codes for gastrointestinal tumor...
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Inpatient Facility Coding & Compliance Alert - 2016; Volume 5; Number 5
Tread Cautiously With the IPPS 2017 Rule, a Pandora's Box
Hospitals give a lukewarm response to the IPPS increase of 0.9 percent, LTCHs seethe at ...
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CMS Determined on Slashing Down Avoidable Hospitalizations and Readmissions
Find your balance within CMS’s three pronged approach Reducing hospital readmis...
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ICD-10 Update:
Get Ready for the ICD-10 Diagnosis, Procedure and MS-DRG Codes Overhaul
Revised guidelines, additions, deletions, reimbursement mappings and more… Prep...
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Reader Question:
Split Visit Rule Can Save You a Fortune
Question: How can NPs and physicians “split” visits for Medicare patien...
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Reader Question:
Receive Additional Pay for ECT for Psychiatry Inpatients
Question: How do I get reimbursed when a patient with psychiatric disorder receives...
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Reader Question:
Which Provider Gets to Bill the Discharge Code?
Question: One of our patients had a complex health history and we were among four d...
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Reader Question:
What Factors Affect the DRG Payment?
Question: What are the factors that can reduce a MS-DRG payment? Illinois Subscri...
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You Be the Coder:
Apply Modifier 24 to Hospital Services the Right Way
Question: A cardiologist performs a pacemaker procedure on a patient in the hospita...
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Inpatient Facility Coding & Compliance Alert - 2016; Volume 5; Number 4
How to Get the Most Out of E/M Visits For Hospital Patients
Learn from these five case scenarios on core inpatient coding. When you perform E/M vi...
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Use the Inpatient Codes Carefully to Avoid RAC Audits
Plus: Laparoscopic hernia repairs are under the microscope. Is it a practice in your f...
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Take in This Eye Opening Survey From Joint Commission, Pointing Out Gross Deficits
OIG surveys reveal more that 50 percent noncompliance to basic health standards. On Ma...
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ICD-10 Update:
Brace Yourself to Handle 3,651 New ICD-10-PCS Codes This October
Majority of code overhaul comes from the cardiovascular system. The ICD-10 codes are f...
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Reader Question:
Do You Have the 96 Hour Emergency Responsibility?
Question: According to the Joint Commission standards, are organizations supposed t...
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Reader Question:
Master the Modifier 26 Mystery
Question: When should I use modifier 26? Alabama Subscriber Answer: CPT&re...
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You Be the Coder:
Let DRG Weight Determine Your Principal Diagnosis
Question: A patient was admitted with a chief complaint of shortness of breath. He ...
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Inpatient Facility Coding & Compliance Alert - 2016; Volume 5; Number 3
Reimbursement/ Policy:
Be Careful With Your Interpretations of the NCCI Manual
The NCCI Manual was initially tailored for physicians. It’s the first quarter of...
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Bill It Right for the Supply Items
Do not report HCPCS codes for CMS deemed supplies. Supply categorization for hospitals...
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Case Study:
Ward Off Breach Incidents With These 4 Actions
Take control of your BA, use multi-layered encryption methods. Yet another HIPAA breac...
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ICD-10 Update:
Define Your Approach Using PCS Code's 5th Character
Choose the keywords carefully. In ICD-10 PCS coding, you must organize each of the sev...
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Reader Question:
How to Code For a Same Day Discharge
Question: If we admit a patient to observation at 11 p.m. on Thursday and then rele...
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Reader Question:
Here's Why Your 99223 Claim Is Getting Denied
Question: We billed 99223 for initial hospital care and evaluation and management o...
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Reader Question:
Tackle Claims Spanning the ICD-10 Implementation Date
Question: We have few patients who were admitted for procedures at the end of Septe...
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You Be the Coder:
Assign a DRG Code for Cervical Fusion with Anemia
Question: A 45-year-old patient is admitted with a diagnosis of cervical stenosis a...
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Inpatient Facility Coding & Compliance Alert - 2016; Volume 5; Number 2
Know Your Facts About Off-Campus Provider Based Department "PO" Modifier
Apply “PO” to all items or services covered by OPPS in 2016. Are you havin...
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Score Big With These 10 Tips to Avoid Appeals
Use modifiers to your advantage, and more, says Novitas. If you spend a lot of your va...
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ICD-10 Update:
Nail Down Root Operations in ICD-10-PCS
Key: Boil down what the physician performed to match root operation definitions. Now ...
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Reader Question:
Chart Out Your Locum Tenens Criteria
Question: One of our physicians will be taking a six-month sabbatical, so we need t...
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Reader Question:
How Safe Is It to Replace Old Documentation?
Question: One of our physicians made mistakes on several charts and printed out new...
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Reader Question:
Avoid Problems Due to EHR System Updates
Question: What should our practice do to prevent unintended consequences from elect...
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Reader Question:
Know the Payment Thresholds for Pass-Through Drugs
Question: What is the update for 2016 regarding pass-through drugs? Wisconsin Sub...
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You Be the Coder:
Sync MS-DRGS 945 and 946 With ICD-10 Perspective
Question: Can you explain how inpatient admissions are assigned to Medicare Severit...
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Inpatient Facility Coding & Compliance Alert - 2016; Volume 5; Number 1
Rejoice With Greater Flexibility in the Over Two-Midnight Rule
CMS to allow exceptions on a case to case basis, with proven medical necessity. It&rsq...
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Get Your New Year Resolutions In Sync With the OIG's 2016 Work Plan
Know why hospitals, nursing homes, and DMEPOS suppliers are in the limelight. Quality ...
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ICD-10 Update:
Explore How PCS Organizes Root Operations
Key: Boil down what physician performed to match root operation definitions. How confi...
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Reader Question:
Get a Foothold on the Admitting Diagnosis
Question: What shall be the admitting diagnosis when the patient comes in with multiple ...
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Reader Question:
Know What to Do When the Surgery Is Cancelled
Question: The anesthesiologist completed the standard preoperative visit but believed th...
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Reader Question:
Steer Clear of Reporting Two Observation Codes on the Same Day
Question: Occasionally we place a patient in observation status for one to three days. W...
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Reader Question:
Know the Payment Rules for Acute Care Transfers
Question: What all is included in an acute care transfer and what are the rules...
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You Be the Coder:
Assign a DRG Code for Pneumonia
Question: A 55 year old non hypertensive, non diabetic patient is admitted with a diagno...
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Available Years: