Training Tips:
Drill Down to Manifestations to Report Substance Use and Dependence Dx
Published on Thu Aug 16, 2012
Tip: Get Clarity on abuse vs dependence to get the correct code. Get ready to change your mindset when choosing a diagnosis code for substance use, abuse, or dependence under ICD-10. Current ICD-9 codes focus on the patterns of use (episodic, continuous, or unspecified), but you'll need to define acute or chronic use to pinpoint the right code under ICD-10. ICD-9: Sub-Par Documentation Could Trap You in 'Unspecified' ICD-9 does not clearly define the terms "episodic" or "continuous" use, although you have fifth-digit subclassification choices for use that is unspecified, episodic, continuous, or in remission. Not having clearly defined parameters means providers might not adequately document the situation" which relegates you to the "unspecified" fifth digit of 0. Example: The physician diagnoses opioid dependence in the patient. Your code choices are: 304.00 -- Opioid type dependence; unspecified use 304.01 -- ... continuous use 304.02 -- ... episodic use 304.09 -- ... in remission. ICD-10: [...]