ICD 10 Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Learn Other Name for Steinert Disease

Question: Encounter notes indicate that the provider performed a level-three evaluation and management (E/M) service for an established patient with Steinert disease. What is the correct ICD-10 code for this condition?

Washington Subscriber

Answer: You’ll report 99213 (Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination and low level of medical decision making. When using time for code selection, 20-29 minutes of total time is spent on the date of the encounter.) for the E/M with G71.11 (Myotonic muscular dystrophy) appended to represent Steinert disease.

Myotonic disorders primer: G71.11 is the first code in the G71.1- (Myotonic disorders) code set. These codes represent several disorders, and they also contain a multitude of synonyms for each ICD-10 descriptor.

Check out this list of myotonic disorders you’ll find in G71.11, along with the terms ICD-10 considers synonymous with each descriptor:



  • Dystrophia myotonica [Steinert]
  • Myotonia atrophica
  • Myotonic dystrophy
  • Proximal myotonic myopathy (PROMM)
  • Steinert disease

G71.12 (Myotonia congenita)


  • Acetazolamide responsive myotonia congenita
  • Dominant myotonia congenita [Thomsen disease]
  • Myotonia levior
  • Recessive myotonia congenita [Becker disease]

G71.13 (Myotonic chondrodystrophy)


  • Chondrodystrophic myotonia
  • Congenital myotonic chondrodystrophy
  • Schwartz-Jampel disease

G71.14 (Drug induced myotonia)

G71.19 (Other specified myotonic disorders)


  • Myotonia fluctuans
  • Myotonia permanens
  • Neuromyotonia [Isaacs]
  • Paramyotonia congenita (of von Eulenburg)
  • Pseudomyotonia
  • Symptomatic myotonia

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ICD 10 Coding Alert

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