ICD 10 Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Get Specific With Operation Complications

Question: If a patient suffers from an intra- or postoperative complication involving bleeding — such as hemorrhage or hematoma — how can you note it on the claim? Are there ICD-10-CM codes for such circumstances?

AAPC Forum Participant

Answer: Yes, there are several codes to represent this complication; which one you choose will depend on the type of complication.

Do this: Head to the M96.8- (Other intraoperative and postprocedural complications and disorders of musculoskeletal system, not elsewhere classified) section of the ICD-10 code book. Then, choose from one of the following code sets, depending on encounter specifics:

  • M96.81- (Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of a musculoskeletal structure complicating a procedure)
  • M96.82- (Accidental puncture and laceration of a musculoskeletal structure during a procedure)
  • M96.83- (Postprocedural hemorrhage of a musculoskeletal structure following a procedure)
  • M96.84- (Postprocedural hematoma and seroma of a musculoskeletal structure following a procedure)
  • M96.89 (Other intraoperative and postprocedural complications and disorders of the musculoskeletal system).


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ICD 10 Coding Alert

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