Reader Question:
Select 'Unspecified' Appendix Code
Published on Sun Nov 11, 2012
Question: Our surgeon removed a patient's appendix, and the pathology report returned with "diverticulum of appendix." I know that we use 540 to report appendicitis, but what is the correct diagnosis code for this condition?Pennsylvania SubscriberAnswer: The correct ICD-9 code for diverticulum of appendix is 543.9 (Other and unspecified diseases of appendix). Even if the patient presented with appendicitis symptoms, you should code the diverticulum diagnosis if it's known at the time of billing.ICD-10: Beginning Oct. 1, 2014, you'll have a specific code for the condition in ICD-10 -- K38.2 (Diverticulum of appendix). This is part of a larger group of more-specific codes that will replace 543.9 under the new code set. You can see the new codes here:K38.1 -- Appendicular concretionsK38.2 -- Diverticulum of appendixK38.3 -- Fistula of appendixK38.8 -- Other specified diseases of appendixK38.9 -- Disease of appendix, unspecified.