ICD 10 Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Prioritize This Word In Your Code Search

Question: The anesthesiologist documented “repair of biceps tear” as the procedure performed. What diagnosis should I file?

Michigan Subscriber

Answer: People often use the terms “rupture” and “tear” interchangeably, so begin your diagnosis search with “rupture” and narrow it to the upper arm region. The base diagnosis is M62.12 (Other rupture of muscle (nontraumatic), upper arm). Once there, you have three choices based on anatomic site:

  • M62.121 -- … right upper arm
  • M62.122 – … left upper arm
  • M62.129 – … unspecified upper arm.

Take note: The M62 family of diagnoses represents nontraumatic ruptures. For traumatic rupture, you’ll turn to a different set of diagnoses.