Question: How will we report deep vein thrombosis (DVT) diagnoses after October 2013? Currently ICD-9-CM includes one code for DVT: 453.42 (Acute venous embolism and thrombosis of deep vessels of distal lower extremity).
Louisiana Subscriber
Answer: ICD-10 will expand to the following 12 choices for DVT, so prepare for much more detailed reporting:
ICD-9 coding rules: Inclusion notes with 453.42 tell you the code is appropriate for diagnoses connected to the calf, lower leg NOS, or the peroneal or tibial veins.
ICD-10 changes: ICD-10 creates codes that differ based on whether the diagnosis involves the right leg, the left leg, both legs, or an unspecified leg. You also must choose among codes that differ based on whether the vein involved is the tibial, another specified vein, or is not specified.
Documentation: Physician documentation will need to be clear about the vessel(s) and limb(s) involved for you to choose the most appropriate ICD-10 code. If the anesthesiologist doesn't specify that level of detail, double check the surgeon's record. Remember that "other" means the physician documented the type, but ICD-10 doesn't offer a code specific to the documented type. "Unspecified" means the physician did not document the needed information.