Question: How should we report diagnosis codes for claims that begin on dates of service before Oct. 1, 2013, but don't end until after Oct. 1? We're an inpatient facility.
Missouri Subscriber
Answer: CMS answers this question with Transmittal 950, released on Aug. 19, which breaks down how each various providers should report claims that span the ICD-10 implementation date.
Inpatient hospitals: Use the "through" date -- If the hospital's discharge and/or through date occurs on or after Oct. 1, 2013, then the whole claim will be billed with ICD-10 codes. Part B hospital services, outpatient hospitals, outpatient therapy, hospices, renal disease providers, and outpatient home health: You'll split the claim, so all ICD-9 codes remain on one claim and all ICD-10 codes remain on the other claim.
To read Transmittal 950, which includes the full list of potential provider types, visit