ICD 10 Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Expand Your Cystitis Thinking in October

Question:  Will ICD-10 reporting for acute cystitis going to be difficult come October?

California Subscriber

Answer:  Even though you won’t find a one-to-one code correlation for acute cystitis under ICD-10, the code updates shouldn’t pose too much of a problem for your practice. When ICD-10 goes into effect next year, you shouldn’t have too much trouble updating your acute cystitis coding.

Rather than one code — 595.0 (Acute cystitis) — you will have the following two codes to select from:

  • N30.00 — Acute cystitis without hematuria
  • N30.01 — Acute cystitis with hematuria.

Documentation will need to be more specific to code acute cystitis, so that you know whether to report N30.00 and N30.01.

Good news: Your urologist is likely already indicating in her documentation whether the patient has hematuria or not.

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ICD 10 Coding Alert

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