S83.2 -- "A" Options May Make You Long for the Simplicity of 836.1
Published on Fri Mar 09, 2012
Prepare now for more specific knee injury codin.One of the many differences you'll notice in ICD-10-CM is increased options for coding lateral meniscus tears.A lateral meniscus tear refers to tearing of the heavy cartilage (meniscus) that rests on the outside of the knee (lateral), between the thigh bone and the shin bone.ICD-9-CM: Under ICD-9-CM 2012, you report a lateral meniscus tear using 836.1 (Tear of lateral cartilage or meniscus of knee current).ICD-10-CM: A long list of ICD-10-CM 2012 codes cross to 836.1. Here's a condensed version:S83.25-A, Bucket-handle tear of lateral meniscus, current injury S83.26-A, Peripheral tear of lateral meniscus, current injury S83.27-A, Complex tear of lateral meniscus, current injury S83.28-A, Other tear of lateral meniscus, current injury.The sixth digit (signified above with "-") is based on the knee documented as injured:1, right knee 2, left knee 9, unspecified knee.Coder tips: The final character ("A") denotes "initial encounter." Other seventh character [...]