ICD 10 Coding Alert


N84 Merges ICD-9 621 and 622 Polyp Codes

Follow 'location' to choose the right code.

Uterine polyp reporting gets much more specific when ICD-10 goes into effect, so start now to learn how disparate ICD-9 Codes will roll over to a comprehensive ICD-10 code family.

Don't forget: CMS has announced a proposed implementation date change from Oct. 1, 2013 to Oct. 1, 2014 for the new diagnosis code set.

Look for 'Female Genital Tract' Polyp Family in ICD-10

While ICD-9 provides two unrelated codes for uterine polyps, ICD-10 gives a broader code family that distinguishes polyps based on location.

ICD-9 provides these codes, which describe intracavitary or cervical polyps:

  • 621.0 -- Polyp of corpus uteri. This code is in category 621 (Disorders of uterus, not elsewhere classified).
  • 622.7 -- Mucous polyp of cervix. This code is in category 622 (Noninflammatory disorders of cervix).

On the other hand, ICD-10 provides the following codes in the N84 category (Polyp of female genital tract):

  • N84.0 -- Polyp of corpus uteri (621.0 crosswalks to this code)
  • N84.1 -- Polyp of cervix uteri (622.7 crosswalks to this code)
  • N84.2 -- Polyp of vagina
  • N84.3 -- Polyp of vulva
  • N84.8 -- Polyp of other parts of female genital tract
  • N84.9 -- Polyp of female genital tract, unspecified

Adenomatous Polyp Excluded

Both ICD-9 and ICD-10 have a note to exclude adenomatous polyp from the uterine polyp codes. That's because "adenomatous polyp" is a benign neoplasm, which has important diagnostic significance distinct from polyps.

For ICD-9, report adenomatous uterine polyp as 219.0 (Other benign neoplasm of cervix uteri).

Caution: Although 219.0 crosswalks to ICD-10 code D26.0 (Other benign neoplasm of cervix uteri), you'd be wrong if you report D26.0 for an adenomatous polyp.

Here's why: ICD-10 provides a more specific code for the condition: D28. - (Benign neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs), which provides a note that states, "Includes: adenomatous polyp." The "excludes" note for adenomatous polyps under N84 directs coders to D28, not D26.

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