ICD 10 Coding Alert


Diagnostic Options Expand for Borderline Glaucoma

In 2015, your Dx code will have to specify which eye is affected.

Borderline glaucoma is one of the leading conditions for which ophthalmologists use fundus photography to track disease progress. When the ICD-10 comes into effect in 2015, you’ll need to learn a whole new set of codes to describe these conditions. And just because ICD-10 implementation has been pushed back until Oct. 1, 2015, is no reason not to get familiar with the new codes right away.

Key: As with many ICD-10 codes related to disorders of the eye and adnexa, the new diagnosis codes for borderline glaucoma will allow coders to specify which eye (or both eyes, or an unspecified eye) is affected by the condition.

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ICD 10 Coding Alert

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