ICD 10 Coding Alert

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2015 IPPS Cites ICD-10 Implementation Date as Oct. 1, 2015

Here’s what to do about end-to-end ICD-10 testing.

Although it was over a month ago that Congress voted to extend the ICD-10 implementation date, CMS has been strangely mum on the topic, which was puzzling to many providers who were eager to find out when they’ll have to start using ICD-10 codes. However, a new proposed rule seems to suggest that the implementation date was pushed back by exactly one year.

As of press time, CMS has not made an official statement about the new implementation date, but the 2015 Inpatient Prospective Payment System Proposed Rule cites Oct. 1, 2015 as the new ICD-10 implementation date in several different spots. 

“The ICD-10-CM/PCS transition is scheduled to take place on October 1, 2015,” the proposed rule states on page 648. In addition, the document refers to the 2015 date in two other instances as well. 

Although CMS has not yet updated its website to reflect this new date announcement, it’s likely that the agency will do so soon to align with the IPPS proposal. Keep an eye on the Insider for more as the ICD-10 date is confirmed by CMS officials in the coming days.

Hold Off on End-to-End ICD-10 Testing Prep

If you’ve been waiting by the phone to find out if you’ve been selected to participate in ICD-10 end-to-end testing, you may want to take a break. Novitas Solutions, a Part B payer, announced recently that until CMS provides additional guidance regarding the ICD-10 delay, “Medicare will not be announcing the participants selected for the planned July 2014 end-to-end testing,” Novitas says. At this point, CMS has not yet announced the new ICD-10 implementation date.

Background: As most readers know, CMS intended to launch an end-to-end ICD-10 testing period in July, which differs from the previous ICD-10 tests. During the more in-depth testing, providers were expected to submit ICD-10 code claims to their MACs and would receive a remittance advice and adjudication.

Applicants were expected to be notified by April 14 regarding whether they’d been selected, but at this point, it looks like that may not transpire. Keep an eye on your MAC’s website to determine whether the testing will be rescheduled or not.