ICD 10 Coding Alert

Learning Activity:

Test Yourself By Matching GEMs Terms to These Statements

Did you catch what forward/backward mapping means?Occasionally, we will offer you an activity or game to help you apply your ICD-10 coding knowledge. Try your hand at this filling-in-the-blank challenge, based on last month's article, "GEMs: Making This 'True Crosswalk' Assumption Could Cost Your Time and Money," featured in the ICD-10 Coding Alert, Volume 2, Number 1 issue.1. GEMs stand for ________.2. You need to know about GEMs because you may have to ________ and ________.3. You might classify R65.21 as a __________.4. ________ means the destination code set. In other words, this is the set the GEM is mapping 'to.'5. When you look up ICD-10-CM code Z72.3's equivalent, you will find _______.6. Because the GEMs are a record with no structural relationships, you would classify it as a _______.7. GEMs are NOT a ________.8. You could classify the correlation between 003.21 and A02.21 as _______.9. ________ means the original [...]
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ICD 10 Coding Alert

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