Look For Appropriate K Codes for Duodenal Ulcers in ICD-10
Published on Fri Mar 09, 2012
Obstruction is no longer vital for correct coding.When reporting duodenal ulcers in ICD-10, you won't have to worry about looking for obstructions: instead, you'll focus on perforation and hemorrhage to arrive at the proper ICD-10 code. See the following for more insights on how your duodenal ulcer dx coding will change when ICD-10 goes into effect.Your gastroenterologist may diagnose a duodenal ulcer based on history, a thorough examination, signs and symptoms such as pain in the abdominal area under the sternum (that might be precipitated by intake of food or hunger), retching, vomiting and bloating.Your gastroenterologist may also undertake an endoscopy (43235, Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy including esophagus, stomach, and either the duodenum and/or jejunum as appropriate; diagnostic, with or without collection of specimen[s] by brushing or washing [separate procedure]) or a breath test (for detection of H. pylori (83013, Helicobacter pylori; breath test analysis for urease activity, non-radioactive isotope [e.g., [...]