ICD 10 Coding Alert

Coding Quiz:

Test Your Hypertension Coding Knowledge with These 5 Questions

CKD is one clue to understanding high blood pressure dx.

The recent ICD-10-CM revisions added a number of new codes for pulmonary hypertension to make your high blood pressure coding more specific than ever. But there were a number of hypertension codes already available for the many other types of hypertension that are currently known.

Maybe the revisions added to your confusion. Or maybe they helped clarify things. Whichever is the case, these five questions will help you sharpen your understanding of this common, yet problematic, diagnosis.

Question 1:  What is the relationship between hypertension and heart involvement and hypertension and kidney involvement?

Question 2: How should you report hypertensive cerebrovascular disease?

Question 3: What code should you report if the patient has both hypertension and a form of chronic kidney disease (CKD)?

Question 4: How should you report a patient who experiences hypertension with both heart and kidney involvement?

Question 5: What are the stages of CKD and why are they important to learn?

Think you know the answers? 

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ICD 10 Coding Alert

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