ICD 10 Coding Alert

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Pocket These ICD-10-CM Codes for EMG

Don’t forget that a nerve conduction study (NCS) can affect code choice.

There are a staggering amount of ICD-10-CM codes for diagnoses that can be treated by needle electromyography (EMG).

The following diagnosis code list is not all-inclusive for conditions that may be treated via EMG, and remember that if the provider also performs a nerve conduction study (NCS), the situation may require a different code choice.

Important: This is not a complete list of diagnosis codes for EMG, nor is it a guarantee that the conditions will prove medical necessity for your EMG. Always code to the notes, and check with your provider or payer if you are unsure about a particular EMG/ICD-10 combination.

Consider This Code List

Here are some conditions that your provider might test for with a needle EMG and/or NCS:

  • A39.82 (Meningococcal retrobulbar neuritis)
  • E08.40 (Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic neuropathy, unspecified)
  • E09.40 (Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with neurological complications with diabetic neuropathy, unspecified)
  • E10.41 (Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic mononeuropathy )
  • F48.2 (Pseudobulbar affect)
  • G12.20 (Motor neuron disease, unspecified)
  • G12.21 (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
  • G12.22 (Progressive bulbar palsy)
  • G12.23 (Primary lateral sclerosis)
  • G12.24 (Familial motor neuron disease)
  • G12.25 (Progressive spinal muscle atrophy)
  • G71.20 (Congenital myopathy, unspecified)
  • G71.21 (Nemaline myopathy)
  • G71.220 (X-linked myotubular myopathy)
  • G81.00 (Flaccid hemiplegia affecting unspecified side)
  • G81.10 (Spastic hemiplegia affecting unspecified side)
  • I69.351 (Hemiplegia and hemiparesis following cerebral infarction affecting right dominant side)
  • M35.03 (Sjogren syndrome with myopathy)
  • M62.5A0 (Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified, back, cervical).


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ICD 10 Coding Alert

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