Hypertension, MI codes, guidelines got a makeover on Oct. 1. Ready or not, the 2018 changes to ICD-10-CM are already in effect, and cardiology codes are among those affected. Not only are there new codes, but some of the guidelines you use to implement existing ones have also been revised. But you don't have to stress over the changes. Simply take this quiz and take each change in stride. Question 1: Guidelines Add New Pulmonary Hypertension Section What are the new ICD-10 2018 codes for pulmonary hypertension, and what do the Guidelines clarify about thesecodes? Question 2: Look to New Code I21.9 For Unspecified AMI What code should I report for an unspecified acute myocardial infarction (AMI)? Question 3: Decipher How to Report Subsequent AMIs If the documentation states that the patient has experienced a subsequent AMI, how should I code this? Question 4: Reference This New Section for Further MI Clarification Will the 2018 Guidelines add a brand-new section to the MI category? Once you've answered all the questions, turn to page 77 and see if your answers agree with the ones provided by our experts.